Monday, April 4, 2022

well, it's monday and i'm still breathing in and out

I won't kid you, it's been a rough weekend.
That bit about "breathing in and out"?
It's easy to take that for granted unless it's so painful that each and every bone in your chest feels bruised and at risk of breaking.
That's what I had going early on Saturday morning.
I had woken up at 4 AM, thinking I had to pee, which I did... but also aware that I could not breathe normally without great pain.
I kept trying to get back to sleep, doing so fitfully for several hours.
Finally, around 11 AM, I woke and called Dr. Cobb's office.
Sorry, the answering service told me, all their doctors were over in South Carolina, but they would patch me through and have the on-call doc call me back.
Dr. Flood called me soon after, listened very well, and assured me this was normal and to be expected after ablation surgery. I should take two Tylenol right away, then more as needed.
So that's what I did, keeping to regular doses every 6 hours.
I also slept most of the day.
That probably was the biggest help.
I had awakened around 4 AM again yesterday morning, but I took another dose of Tylenol and returned to bed, sleeping well.
Someone from Asbury Memorial came by in the early afternoon, bearing flowers.
That makes the third time in less than a year that I have been given flowers by the church.
As I told the Peace Guy last night when he called, I will be so glad when my birthday comes next month and I am 64.
Being this age at which Mama died has certainly been a strain.
Coupled with Ronnie dying, my breast cancer scare, and getting fleeced by the DEA scam all combined to turn this past May into a horrible beginning of my new year.
Today, I woke up with no chest pain, lungs able to take deep breaths in and out, the bones in my chest taking no notice of that movement, no matter how deeply I inhaled -
all as it should be.
That's a good way to start this week.
I called Dr. Cobb's office to ask about the three new medications (amiodarone, sucralfate, and pantoprazole) and the missing of the ramipril for my blood pressure and all questions were answered by assistant Paige (new ones are temporary, so no need to worry about the need to not give to folks with hypothyroidism, like me; plus, definitely take the ramipril). 
Good to have the doctor back in his office.
Just one more month to go before my new year begins.
i thank You, God.

1 comment:

faustina said...

Fortified by a phone call from one of my former students (Jessica Hellman) and her words of care and concern and appreciation of my teaching, I feel even better.
I think I will try to go see a movie and have a bit of popcorn.