Friday, April 29, 2022

still no bruise

I'm a bit flummoxed, really.
I still have a bruise on my right forearm from the i.v. line they put in for the April 12th cardioversion procedure.
I still have a smaller bruise near the crook of my arm from the blood draw at the Savannah VA Center on April 29th, to check my TSH levels to check my Synthroid dosage.

However, my left forearm, which definitely feels rough from having been sanded by the coarse concrete surface from my fall on Tuesday, is still not purple.
So why is that the blood thinner has caused bruising at the other locations, but not there?
I honestly don't know.
I'm also a bit too tired to give it a lot of thought.
I had an 8:45 AM appointment with Dr. Cobb this morning, as a followup to that cardioversion that I had almost three weeks ago.
I had not phoned them when I fell on Tuesday, as I knew I already had this appointment waiting in the wings, so to speak.
I could tell he was surprised that I had fallen and not been more damaged.
I could tell he was impressed that I have taken such good notes of my blood pressure and heart rate readings and could speak knowledgeably of the trends I'd seen.
I could tell, too, that his assistant had not told him that she had told me on April 21st to go back to the higher dosage of the anti-arrhythmia drug (Sotalol).
He has reduced the dosage of that drug to half (40 mg), but still twice daily with meals.
With luck, that should stop the dizzy spells and ward off future falls.
He hopes so, as do I.
Meanwhile, I am to return to him on June 6th for another followup.
That's fine with me.
What's also fine with me is the price I paid for gasoline.
I'd made a note to stop by the Walmart Marketplace on Abercorn on the way home.
They have an ongoing price war with the Parkers across the street, so they have the best prices in town.
Today, it was $3.47 per gallon!
That's about twenty cents less per gallon than most other gas stations, even other Parkers.
I'm glad my little Saturn still gets more than 30 miles per gallon from my little bit of driving around town.
I keep hearing folks complain about gas prices, but I haven't seen huge increases; rather, it hovers between $3.69 and $3.79, as it has for months.
Anyway, I'm tired, so I'm going to catch up with those two hours of sleep I missed.
Nighty night!

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