Monday, April 11, 2022

upsy daisy kind of day

The bad news was that I am going to have my second direct current cardioversion tomorrow at 10 AM.

Oh, joy... but I will be telling the anesthesiologist about my two weeks of feeling drunk from the February procedure.

Afterward, contacted the Savannah VA and found out the cardiologist can do work on me until September 8, so at least that's good news.

Then, I joined Christina and her man and her girls for lunch.

I had hoped for Mexican at Cancun... but it's been closed from fire damage since March 1.

So, to Five Guys we five went! 

Nice bit of symmetry to that!

Then the working man went back to work and we girls convened to my house.

And why did the girls not have school?

A water main had burst and made it hazardous.

That gave me a second chance to give Miyah her birthday gift, as I'd missed the party on Saturday (a very cold day, as it was, for a party at a park).

That was most excellent to me!

She seemed to like her Tea Party Game, too, and I look forward to playing that with her soon!

Not that Chloe went away empty-handed... oh, no.

She's holding the Elsa and Anna tea set for her and her big sister to share!

They really like that they're like the princesses in "Frozen", ya know.

After they left, I started contacting folks to let them know about the DCC thing.

Oh, joy... Paul even called briefly to wish me well, and Penny sent photographs of pansies and spiderwort and some lovely pink flowers in her yard.

I had meant to go do a bit more grocery shopping... that didn't happen.

I had meant to maybe take in a movie at the cinema... that didn't happen, either.

I did wash dishes... yeah, me!

Then it was time to join the Grant and Audrey show, coming live, via ZOOM, from Kansas City!

I'm so glad I had signed up last month for this month's Bunker B-I-N-G-O!

No, I didn't win, but that wasn't the point.

The point was to play a game - actually 6 this time - with folks who respond to what I chat... and, surprisingly, with players who remembered what I was eating last month!

By the way, that was a warm tortilla with melted butter - actually quite delicious and evidently it made an impact on one of the guys!

Tonight, I had WASA sourdough crispbread, 2 sliced boiled eggs, and hummus. Let's see if they remember that in May!

Okay, I'm going to put away the dry dishes, then watch "Shakespeare and Hathaway".

I really like that detective show.

Then it'll be early to bed, as I have to rise early.

Smitty will be here at 0645 to get me checked in by 0730.

So... just let me say this...

i thank You, God, for this blessed day.


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