Tuesday, April 5, 2022

request for prayers for my dancing heart

April 3, 2022 - 5 PM  · Shared with Your friends (on facebook)
On March 31st, I had catheter ablation to repair atrial fibrillation,
which was the cause of my hospital stay in February. I have been home
since Friday, recovering, and I must say today was definitely better
than yesterday. Please pray with me that my dancing heart will soon return
to its normal rhythm. Many thanks. ❤

Cathy Lewis
Sending good thoughts and prayers your way.

Pat Andres
You will be outstanding very soon!

Tammy Oostlander
Sending prayers

Sue Kosokowsky
HOLY!!!! sending prayers to healing vibes to you by the heap loads❤️

Jackie Frant
Sending positive thoughts your way. And if you need anything just holler

Kate Strickland
Sending you much love. I hope your finds a new and safer rhythm to dance to soon

Sarah Logan-Reynolds
Gentle hugs! Take care of yourself!

William Peterson
Prayers ❤️

Sharon Frain Novinger
Sending you much love and healing!!💕💕

Matthew Smith
I hope and pray my big sis

Lorretta Ruggiero
Praying for you and your lovely heart!

Fae Hill Kameron
Praying for your complete & speedy recovery.

Anne El-Habre
Oh wow! Glad you're home and definitely count on prayers!

Jan Parham Williams

Susan Carlile
Hugs & healing sent your way!

Sherry Moore
Tina, sending prayers.

Caroline Switzer Verner
Glad you are feeling better, and hoping for improvement each day!

Jim Reed
I am sorry to hear that you had to deal with hospitalization, but I am
very happy that it sounds like you are on your way to a full recovery.
Get plenty of rest and I look forward to seeing you as soon as it's
convenient and comfortable for you!

Kempf Susan

Barbara Narcarti
Get better soon!

Jennifer Bowers

Andy Peña
Godspeed to you, Tina! You are way too lovely to have to go through
this! I’m glad to know that you are well on your way to recovery…
If there is ANYTHING you need, I am a phone call away.

JinHi Soucy Rand
I’m sorry you’ve been through so much. I hope your recovery is
as quick and uneventful as possible. Big hug. 🤗

Hallie Henry Allgood
I had no idea you were having problems. I hope that fun loving,
free spirited heart is healed real soon.
Genie Brazzeal Lawson
Sending healing thoughts and good karma your way!

Lynn Lee
Oh no! Had no idea! Praying for you always!

Marcia Ford
I've got you in my prayers girl. 🙏. Love ya if you need me just let me know.

Yvonne Pizzo Roach
Let me know if I can help you with anything.

Kathy Landers Schaal
Prayers for your health!!

Linda Combs
Feel better soon.

Lisa Will
Prayers for steady beats and improving health!

Susan Morgan

Lindsay McCord Norman
We’re so sorry to learn of your health issues, Tina.
May your dancing heart take a short break from the over exertion
and just return to its regular ol’ song!

Tony E Smith
Love you Tina, Our prayers are with you. Get better soon 🤓

John Tisbert
Sorry to hear that you’ve been sick. Hope you feel better soon.

Christina Smith
Love you! Prayers for you!

Beth Harn-Via
Prayers and big hugs coming your way.

Cathy MacGowan
Thoughts and get well prayers coming your way.💕

Damitta Roberts
🙏🏾🙏🏾get well soon🙏🏾🙏🏾

Robin Johnson Maddox
Praying Tina 🙏❤

C Robb Worthington
Best wishes for a speedy recovery

Terri Tatum
I wish you happy and healthy healing!

Karin Watson

Ursel Guy
Get well soon! I pray for your Health! I have the same problem.

Melinda McEwen
Prayers for you Tina. Love ya

Cindy LaCount Pinion
🙏🏻 for a speedy recovery!

Barbara Namkoong Gooby
I love your dancing heart! May it and you heal quickly and completely!

Stephanie Mostashari
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
I love you ❤️
D Scott Kimball
Prayers comming your way

Brantley Moate
My mother just had the first of two surgeries for the same problem.
Hope you’ll feel better soon!

Lynn Engler
Your dancing heart will be out on the dance floor before you know it!!

Michelle Davidson
Sending love and prayers for speedy recovery and a healthy heart! ❤️

Penny Walker Bos
You've got the prayers! How about an electronic gift card to a restaurant
i could order?

Venita Johnson
Praying for you

Stephen S Gerard
I prayed before you went in. I will pray again for good measure.

Rhonda S. Curby
I’m glad you’re home and resting. I’m sorry you’re going through this.
Take care my friend.

Linda L. Walker
You are most certainly in my thoughts and prayers. I love you dearly.

Jeff Powless
All my prayers Tina! See you soon my dear cousin.❤️

Jo Coleman-Williams
Thinking of you

Lynette Geesaman
Hey Faustina, I’m sorry to hear about your troubles but glad to hear
your positive attitude. We may not chat and be in touch, but know
that you are loved! 😘 And I will say a prayer for you tonight …
and thereafter if my foggy brain allows!

Monica McDermott
You have all of my positive thoughts for a speedy recovery coming your way!

Karen Halloran

Dee Smith Phillips
You have all of my prayers Tina. I love you much!

* * * * *
I am so blessed to have so many who care about me...
i thank You, God.

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