Sunday, April 16, 2023

J'ai ri, j'ai pleuré, j'ai chanté

"Magnifique! Francophone film festival has returned?"

Oh, I wish! Thought this musical today was truly magnificent!!

"Another musical already???"

Yes, and like two of the others, this was at the Savannah Children's Theatre. Ah, but this performance... this was not for small children, though it had a few in it. And everyone in this cast, from the teens graduating this year to those in elementary school, gave nuanced depth to their roles. Just incredible!

"Oh, wow! They took on "Les Miserables" this time?"

More than took it on! They conquered it in a way that performances done by adults could not. Having such a cast of fresh faces in such emotional roles added a flavor that I have yet to experience in other manifestations of this tale. 

"Yes, I noticed that you wrote 'I laughed, I wept, I sang along'. Did you really?"

I most certainly did! At one point, near the end, I was so emotional that I could see the cast was getting emotional, too. I daresay Barbara and Kaye may have been a bit overcome, too, especially as the young man portraying Jean Valjean was SUPERB. The couple acting as the innkeeper and his wife were hilarious, too, so that was a great counterpoint to all the serious stuff.

"I do hope they had a good audience."

Hey, we were lucky to get in! They have sold-out shows for this one! I'm so glad Gloria managed to get us three in. They are always so good to me!

"And was this French food afterward?"

No, it was Indian. Barbara had been quite keen to try the new place, Kabob and Kabob, and I'm glad she was. It turned out the Roasted Beef Dill Rice was just what my queasy stomach needed!

"That sounds amazing!"

Oh, it most def was! And so was the bakhlava! I took half of both dishes home with me and look forward to making a second meal of them tomorrow.

"Good for you!"

Good for all of us! We'll each have extra meals to remind us of this outing!

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