Saturday, April 15, 2023

new rules as they go along?

Yep, that's exactly what they did last night. 

"You want to catch me up, buttercup?"

Those Savannah Bananas.

"I thought you were too ill to go to the game."

Oh, I am. Thank God for Laura bringing me electrolyte beverages to help replenish all that I've lost since late last night, when the diarrhea started again. I'm not even going to wash those containers the leftovers were in, they're going right into the trash.

"Damn, g'friend. Good of your sis-in-law for stepping up to your rescue."

For sure. I'd sent her a text to give her my Bananas ticket and, when she responded, I'd told her about me being so ill all night and all day. None of them could use the ticket, but she and Tony went to the store to fetch fluids for me. I kept my distance, but did give her the Easter bag with her "early" birthday gift: a package of lily of the valley bulbs! She's a May baby, like me, and those are our flowers.

"That's very nice! You know, you really should do better about dropping by on them."

I know. I guess I'm waiting for Damon and his family to move to their own place, but I'm not sure when, or if, that's ever going to happen.

"Yeah, yeah. Now, what's that about the Bananas? I guess you were watching the game on their youTube channel?"

I was indeed. And the first thing I noticed? The people watching online were "buying" memberships and "donating" money to the team.

"Say what???"

Yeah. It's like there's this Cult of Banana and, like with all religious sects, they're only too glad to accept funds from online worshipers. People even "donate" so someone else can have a "membership" to the group. I tried to find out just what folks received in return for their money, but never located anything that spelled that out. At least the Bananas' spokesperson was good about thanking each person for their "donation"... although, again, nothing was said about any benefits attained through such transfer of funds.

"Yeah, sounds like an evangelical cult to me. But what's this about a new rule they made up tonight for the Banana Ball World Tour?"

Okay, here's the setup. The Party Animals have been taking charge, as they have more often than not. So, it's the bottom of the 8th and the Bananas have a man on base that's stolen his way to third. My Number 1 man - yes, that is his number - is taking what will be his last turn at bat.

"Are you sure that's Bill LeRoy?"

Of course I am! See that marvelous catcher's butt? All those squats really pay off! (smile!)

"Yes, dear."

So, there he is, with the play clock counting down. All the Bananas need is one run to take that inning's point, as the Party Animals didn't get a man across the plate that inning. And, wonder of wonders, Bill gets a hit... the Banana runs in... and they end the inning with that walk-off run (even though they still had one out to go)... gaining the point... and tying the game... with three seconds left on the play clock.

"Well, that sounded pretty exciting!"

It was! And since three seconds of play was all that was left, and the game was tied, I expected them to go into the showdown rounds. But, nope! The play-by-play guy said that as the eight inning had been completed with time left on the play clock, then the 9th inning could be played to complete the game. Say what???

"That sounds like one of those bullsh*t rules your brothers would make up so they could win playing pool against you."

Exactly. I thought the same thing. So, I turned the game off. I'm done.

"What does that mean, that 'I'm done'? You not renewing your 5-game membership?"

I mean I'm done for the night with that nonsense. I'm going to rethink my membership strategy, offer to buy game tickets for friends and families on my plan when I get the chance next year, making sure folks know they have to pay me upfront. I think that will be more satisfying to me, and them, than watching the madness online.

"Now, that's a good idea!"

Thanks. Now, it's time for "The Vicar of Dibley", so... bye!

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