Monday, April 10, 2023

ladies' luncheon plus one

Christina and her girls are on spring break this week.
Last week, Melinda and the twins were on spring break.
I think C J is to be on spring break next week.
No way for them to coordinate a trip together...
so they're all having stay-cations!
That's fortunate for me...
I get more time with them!
Today, I had more time with my first niece and with her mom...
and with this munchkin!
They had traveled from Hinesville and Guyton to be with me at Houlihan's!
Christina really loves their 3-course special and has been working her way through them, trying something different each time.
Just what did she have this time?
I honestly couldn't say.
I was kept pretty busy with littlest girl!
She and I were getting plenty of one on one time while Christina and Melinda caught up.
Miyah had been quite pleased with the book - "Finding Dory" - that I'd not only brought for her, but had read "with" her while we waited for Melinda to arrive.
I'm so glad to have brought that for her!
Not that she didn't give me something, too:
a finger skateboard!

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