Tuesday, April 18, 2023

got hotdog?

Of course I did!
Nothing better at the ballpark!
Especially with catsup on it...
That'll be my inside joke for Ronnie.
By the time I got loaded up with food (hotdogs, a burger, a couple of bags of potato chips, and condiments) and drink (Sprite), and up to an open seat, it was 5:45 PM.
I'd been at Daffin Park for right at an hour.
Admittance to Grayson Stadium had been nine minutes earlier, with the Bananas Pep Band playing "Welcome To The Jungle".
Everyone in line ahead of me had rushed in to snag seats.
I was the only one who'd wandered onto the apron to enjoy the rock and roll music.
As for the seat itself, it wasn't one I'd usually go for, but it turned out to be perfect.
I got to enjoy watching the dude from Daytona - i.e., Matt, the "Young Professor" - chatting up a visitor.
That was while I ate part of my first hotdog.

Another few minutes later, I observed Bill LeRoy atop the Bananas' dugout as he started working the crowd.
I guess he was standing in for Jesse tonight, as the Man in the Yellow Tux was absent for this home game.
That was fine by me -
Bill's butt is much better than his!

By that time, it was already past 6 PM.
Stuff and nonsense that had naught to do with baseball and everything to do with the circus ensued for the next thirty minutes.
The first-time visitors to either side of me chose that time to buy souvenirs for family back home.
They even fetched more food and drink.
None of them - nor even those in front of me or behind - were from Georgia, let alone this area.
Anyway, it finally got late enough for something else.
That's when the Party Animals stormed over the left field wall, pirate banner waving proudly!

So, enough clues!
Have you figured out where I was seated?
Not the exact place, just in general?
Well, that was definitely the first base gate, as well as first base, in the above photo.
That puts me along the wall at stage right, across from the aluminum bleachers. 
I was lucky, only four rows up.
The dog above belongs to this hunky, kilt-clad, Man Nana, who had come to stand before us to try to get the attention of the one in the center of the stadium running the "who's been married longest" gambit.
This fine fellow had found one across the lane who were wed for 56 years!
Sadly, they were beat by another pair by only 2 years.
Still, it must have been rewarding to have this man championing their cause...
it certainly was rewarding for me!

Oh, what about the game?
Well, the Party Animals easily took the first inning, getting in two runs after filling the bases.
So much for that "Mr. Electric" pitcher the Bananas had made such a fuss over!
The Bananas took the point for the second inning.
The third saw neither team score.
By that time, the temperature was sliding quickly toward 60 and I left.
It was not quite 7:45 PM.
Perhaps if the Big Ass fans were not running that might have changed my departure time, but I doubt it.
Even with my flannel wrap, my hands were chilly.
When I reached home, I tuned in to the game on youTube.
It was bottom of the fifth and the Party Animals had taken the 4th.
The 5th became another scoreless inning for both sides.
I took care of downloading my photos, then checked back just before 9 PM.
Yep, the game was still going, having advanced to the 9th inning.
By the time the bottom arrived and the Bananas had their last at-bats, the Party Animals were ahead, 6 points to 3 points.
The Bananas did score one last time, but that was not enough to make up the deficit.
Ah, well.
The time was 9:08 PM when I turned off the game.
Soon, the episode of "The X-Files" with Burt Reynolds will come on to amuse me.
Life is good!

1 comment:

faustina said...

Hey, hey!
Happened to see this link on fb.
Next time I go to the game, I need to say hi to Wally Murphy!
