Thursday, April 13, 2023

all about family this week!

"Say what?"

At the movies! That's what the theme was for my A*List dance card.

"So, you watched the Shazam movie again?"

I did not. All of the movies were new to me, as they seem to be of late. I simply have not had time to watch any of them multiple times... though I admit that I'll have to watch this third one again, just to know the finer points of the plot.

"I take that to mean you were distracted?"

Hell to the yeah, I was! 
I had Miss Miyah by my side and I kept glancing over to see how she was liking "The Super Mario Bros. Movie".
Not that I needed to, mind, as she was pretty vocal about booing the bad guys and telling the good guys to watch out.
Hahahaha! Hahaha!
Not that she was the only one doing so.
I couldn't believe how many kids were there for a 1 PM movie in the Big D, on a Thursday...
She and I - and some other kids, too! - did our thing and danced during the music in the credits...
for ALL of the credits...
so we were there for Yoshi popping out of the egg!
That was a surprise!
Miyah had so liked the movie that she had insisted on having her photo taken here!
"Wow! She looks like she had a blast!"
We all did! I was thrilled to have been able to treat them to this.
Well, not just me.
Comcast helped.
They had rewarded me with two free tickets to this particular movie, via Fandango.
I'd meant to send it to Alabama, but never had gotten a round tuit.
(Hey, inside joke for Mama.)
I hadn't realized the expiration date was coming up, either.
What a lovely coincidence: I gifted my first niece and her older daughter with the movie, and they gifted me by driving from Hinesville in the rain.
Plus, Christina got to work in a trip to Aldi's - bonus for her!
Oh, and when I got my usual kid pack for the movie, I bought another for Miyah.
She was thrilled to have the same thing I did!
That worked out well for Christina, too.
She had the flatbread pizza instead of having to get popcorn to share.

"Well, that sounds like a winner way to spend a rainy vacation day, though maybe not quite as good as the one you had in Kissimmee."

Yes, that had been pretty good.
This was good, too, thought a bit briefer.
I've been thinking that I need a vacation.
Melinda was talking about a trip up to Myrtle Beach that's on her radar, and Christina's group are all going on a cruise in June...
yeah, time for me to get organized with the family-visit road trip tour that I started planning last year, but never actually started going on.

"That should be a good project for you, now that the SMF is done."
For real.
Now, I'm sure you're wondering about my other two on the AMC dance card.
I actually saw both of them on Monday, after the luncheon.
I figured that since I was already on that side of town...
so I had a double-header!
"Air" and "His Only Son" filled that bill.
I really loved the story about the relationship between Michael Jordan and Nike!
For one thing, it had Matt Damon and Ben Affleck reunited and that was good.
For another, it was slap-dap-overflowing with 1984 music and pop culture!
Whoever put that together did an absolutely amazing job!
As for the story of Abraham and Isaac, I liked what the film was trying to say, but the flashbacks were a bit too liberally sprinkled in, making the whole seem disjointed.
Still, for a crowd-sourced effort, I applaud it and look forward to the upcoming film about the life of Jacob.
"That's a pretty mixed bag you had this week."
Agreed, but those are the three movies I had planned to see for this "family" theme.
"So, you have the father and son in the one movie..."
... and the Spirit in the other...
"... and brothers in the third. Pretty cool. Almost a trinity."
I prefer to call it a Trinity, plus.
Now, I'm home from Jason's Deli and am ready to eat!
I got the salad bar to go -
as Barbara usually does -
to replenish the helpful bacteria levels in my gut.
I'm sure that's all been wiped out over the past day.
Part of this is slunch, part will be dinner.
So... time to chow down!!!
"Ciao, bella!!!"

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