Sunday, June 24, 2018

banana sunday, with a cherry on top!

What a delicious game this has been, almost as good as ice cream!
(Get it? See that little pun I threw in there? Hahahaha hahaha!)
I'm sure Peyton Fuller (the Bananas pitcher) and Cade Marlowe would agree with me.
Today was their 19th and 21st birthdays, respectively, and the team gave them the perfect present - the winning game to send them to the Championship Play-Offs in August!
Woohoo, my boys of summer!
I bet those Florence Redwolves weren't expecting that trouncing.
What do I mean by that?
The Bananas won by doubling the score of their opponents: 6 to 3, baby!

That win, like the one at the game last week, was due in large part to Clay Dungan. The 22-year-old shortstop has a bat that's on fire!
In the 3rd inning, he drove in Connor Basler for the first run of the game.
After the 7th inning stretch, his hit to right center field allowed Ruben Someillan and Alex Rodriguez to score, ensuring the win.
So, not only did the man have three RBI's, he also landed on base himself, even coming in for a run in the 6th when the Redwolves' pitcher balked.
I'll be keeping an eye on #6 - he'll be moving on up after this!
Tomorrow, I'll get to see him play again, this time versus the Peninsula Pilots.
Mister Willie will be with me, too, so that should be very nice.
Maybe not as nice as a banana sundae... but close!

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