Saturday, June 2, 2018

oddly free shenanigans!

My last free Odd Lot for my birthday celebrations
and Sandy was there to share it with me!
Lynita and Soucy Girl were whipping up some kind
of goodies as cooking show statues, with a little
help from the audience.
Very funny!
This Saturday Shenanigans show had a full contingent of
eight Odd Lotters there, making it possible for
one of Megan's favorites: Ultimate Half-Life!
That meant there were four teams participating, each
with their own set time to do the deed.
What a crazier-than-normal improv bit!
Did I mention Megan, the 9th Odd Lotter, was emcee?
Well, she was!
That meant we had "Switch-Change" being played!
What a hilarious bit, with a couple talking about
their eight kids, all named Eugene!
I think George Foreman would have loved it, too,
as would have Eugene Wolfbauer!
I really loved the Three-Headed Storyteller!
With such a diverse range in "head" ages,
As represented by Thomas, Lynita, and Skyler,
the bed-time story about "The Evil Cat Named Lord"
couldn't help but be a bit jagged and most
definitely laughable!
And what a stroke of luck!
I don't recall exactly why there were
dancing players on stage, but I can tell you that
sight is usually reserved for the Tuesday shows.
How cool to catch Thomas and Justin and Mike
strutting their stuff!
Post-dancing came one of my favorites:
"This Just In"!
Skyler Kelly and Justin were the newscast team
of Jeff and Brick Brickmeyer, continually
interrupting their reporting for a flash "news" item
on a slip of paper from a hat -
much like the real newscasters do.
Hahahaha hahaha!
Nearly everyone else was on the stage to enact
"the stupidest story" ever to interrupt the duo's
reading of headlines!
What was the core of the stupidest story?
Just the repeating of its self-proclamation and
claim to fame as the stupidest story ever!
Then came along another of my favorites:
"The Bard Speaks"!
Here, it was Trick Kelly that had to speak
in the Shakespearian tongue whilst talking of
building a robot.
But with a simple switch of the hat and a
ding of a bell by the emcee, suddenly it was
Michael Moore's turn to wax poetic on the topic!
Verily, fair men and dames,
I do assuredly proclaim,
'twas great fun
for everyone!

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