Monday, June 11, 2018

the only for me and first for him

Tonight, the bfe and I celebrated my 60th birthday by doing one of our favorite activities!
No, no, clean up your silly mind!
I speak of dinner and a movie!
And, oh, what a dinner it was! We dined languidly at Jalapenos, sipping margaritas... oh, yes! I had my all-time favorite meal of shrimp ceviche - so tangy, so cool, on crunchy tortillas!
Then, we made our way over to the Regal Cinemas for a one-night-only Fathom event that we had both looked forward to for quite some time.
Tonight, we were treated to "Doctor Who: The Genesis Of The Daleks"!!!
This was the first Doctor Who character he had seen in the eponymous BBC's science fiction show, viewed when the series was re-run on US television in the mid-1980's, when he was in his teens.
This featured the only Doctor Who character I ever watched.
Tom Baker had us both hooked, with his tall stance and long scarf and odd mannerisms and distinctive voice and blue eyes and curly dark hair and sonic screwdriver and swirling coat... Well, maybe it was just me that was attracted to all of that.
The even tonight featured the director's cut, a lean 90-minute movie with all the fat of the six episodes comprising it originally trimmed off the edges.
What a delectable entree!
But, wait - there's more!
As a divine dessert, all 6'3" of the Liverpoolian was the focus of the camera for the recent twenty-minute "In Conversation With Tom Baker".
How very sweet!!!
Even with his curly hair now completely white and his step not as quick, that voice...
oh, that voice with its mischievous laugh...
even with the man in his late 70's...
totally divine!
Too bad I couldn't lick the dish...

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