Tuesday, June 26, 2018

word fun with daddy's sister!

I thought this word choice was rather poetic!
Aunt Barbara - aka "Babs" per my Mama! - had invited me some few weeks ago to play "Words With Friends" on facebook.
As it's a game akin to Scrabble, of course I agreed!
She's quite good at the game and won the early rounds, as she is more adept than I am at making use of the special tiles that double or triple letter points or entire word scores.
I am just accustomed to playing to build a story from the words - as I once used to do with SamJ's wife, Jan - or to make sure all of the tiles get played - when I'm playing Right Hand versus Left Hand.
I still find myself primarily playing to open up places where new words can be built.
When the goal is just to maximize points, the board can become rather shut off in a lot of directions, making it very difficult to use the letter tiles.
My Aunt Babs plays for blood... I mean, for maximum points.
Anywho, like I said, I mostly play to open new lines for building words.
Occasionally, though, my style will net me a bunch of points... as it did here!
Ordinarily, the letters f_a_m_i_l_y would be worth 15 points, based on the tile points of 4_1_4_1_2_3, respectively.
However, I had placed the "y" over a triple letter spot on the board, making the word "family" worth 21 points.
Even better, though, was the occurrence of one of the other five tiles fortunately landing on a triple word spot!
That bumped up the value of that common word to a whopping sixty-three points.
And what a nice coincidence that "family" came along while playing with family!
i thank You, God!

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