Sunday, June 10, 2018

ten cards short of a deck!

Why is this photo so blurry?
Because the people were all in motion, orbiting around this
golden-haired little girl!
That's her Grammy, Melinda, right behind her on the left.
Then, moving clockwise, we have her Aunt Chelsea and then
her Mom, my first-niece.
Good thing that child was seated
or she would have been more of
a blur than them!
Hahahaha hahaha!

Was it the littlest girl's birthday?
No, it was that of the German-born man sitting beside my first niece and smiling right at me as I took this shot.
I know he was mugging for the camera - and why wouldn't he?
We'd all dined to our hearts' content on food and family, he'd opened yet more presents from loved ones, and all was right with the world -
so, of course Christian was posing!

I am so glad that I was able to be there to celebrate with them!
As good fortune and circumstances would have it, when Christina had contacted me earlier, I had been lazing on a Sunday afternoon... and pouting a bit, too. I had thought my brothers would be coming over and they were not.
Instead, she had texted that she was in town dress-shopping. Did I know where one of the stores had moved in the mall?
Dresses? How very cool, all puns intended! And, oh, look! Old Navy has them on sale!
So, I had gathered my wits and joined her there...
hanging out with the baby girl, her boyfriend, and his son...
and finding myself included for the birthday dinner at Olive Garden.
i thank You, God!

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