Sunday, September 3, 2017

a snorkel and swim goggles walk into a church...

on a Communion Sunday..
accompanied by a waterproof iPod...

Trust me, you have not heard this one before!

Yes, Reverend Billy is back in the pulpit again...
he's b-a-a-a-c-k-k-k-k!
I only wish Steven Tyler and the boys could have been there this morning -
what fun they would have had!
No worries, though. The sermon can be heard, and seen, right here.
You know, he's been off on sabbatical this summer, though not for the five months the bfe had.
I think folks at Asbury Memorial UMC could not have withstood that long an absence by Billy Hester.
I know I played hooky almost the whole summer... almost.
But of course I was there today!
How could I resist learning about "The Aquatics of God"?
And did I learn something?
But of course I did!
I learned that God is in the details, brought forth by those who know and love us.
Billy wanted to get in better physical shape this summer and chose swimming as his activity.
However, a neck injury made it painful for him to lift his head out of the water to breathe between strokes.
Enter Iris Dayoub with the swim snorkel, a device that allows continuous swimming, face-down.
Then another problem arose: the chlorine made his eyes ache with pain.
Preston Hodges came forth with the cure: oversized swim goggles that hugged Billy's face securely.
All revved up and ready to go, Billy found himself still struggling. Sure, he could swim now, but it was taking so very much time and he was so very s l o w...
until he noticed that a woman with earbuds and a waterproof music box was doing her laps effortlessly.
Then his wife put on fifteen of his favorite songs and he was good to go!
And he found that he swam forty-five minutes without tiring, as opposed to the arduous fifteen minute sessions he initially had.
And he found himself renewed spiritually and emotionally, as well as physically.
And he found a link between the snorkel - breath - with God the Creator, Yahweh, the one who brought life to all.
And he found a link between the goggles - vision - and God the Christ, who came showing God's love, showing us how we should love each other, helping us see the goal.
And he found a link between the music in his ears - rhythm - and God the Holy Spirit, the Advocate, The Helper, the Comforter.
Thank you, Billy, for sharing your revelations with us.
Thank you for encouraging us to all find our Aquatic Trinity, our center in our minds, hearts, and lives.
i thank You, God, for this minister and this church.

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