Sunday, September 10, 2017

as the boys scouts would say...

Always be prepared.
I won't lie and say I'm totally prepared for a hurricane to strike...
because you and I know that would not be true...
but I'm much better, emotionally, than I was last October.
Definite progress.
I've washed clothes - I even packed a bag with panties and important stuff - and have had it ready and waiting on the couch ever since the bfe left for his hurricane party with Erica and her mom.

In the front yard, I took my time and mowed what remained needing so on Thursday.
Also on Thursday, I took myself out for ceviche and churros at Jalapenos, just as I had done on Wednesday after class. This time, I was solo, instead of with Barbara, and I went to the one in Sandfly. This time, I also had a small margarita.
That night, on my way home, I stopped for milk and cereal and vanilla wafers - a special treat.

On Friday, I took a drive to the Thunderbolt area, in search of my middle brother.
I still have possession of the phone I bought for him in July.
After cruising slowly through the Home Depot shopping center, with my car window open, I didn't hear or see him.
I repeated my slow travels at McAlpin Square, then drove to Bonaventure.
The cemetery was locked up tight at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. It's usually open until 5 PM.
I wandered up Skidaway Road, then went into the Chick-Fil-A shopping center.
Still no sign of him.
Back on Victory Drive, windows still open, I searched the east-going side of the street.
As I reached the liquor store, I popped in.
About ten minutes later, I had COA de Jima Reposada tequila in a brown paper bag. The margarita had definitely been quite relaxing and I thought some sipping liquor from agaves azul was in order.
(My lower back agreed last night. That old injury is where my stress first goes.)
Coming back toward Skidaway, I saw a fellow sitting in front of the Bi-Lo... was it Ronnie? I went in for a closer look. Skinny, scraggly gray beard... but not a white man.
Back to home I went, back to the physicist's company, back to the Savannah Jeff's 4-cheese, Newman's Own, pizza, deciding to eat it while he weather was cooler and the electricity was still on.
Perfect! Especially with a chilled glass of my Lactaid milk!
We even watched a movie he didn't know, "Get Hard", and laughed and relaxed, mellowing and awaiting today.

Why so mellow?
Irma had continued on the same path all day long.
All day long.
The reports from NOAA had displayed the same course for the Cape Verde lass: north by northwest.
She certainly seemed to know where she wanted to go.

This is from the 11 AM report.

Six hours later, here is the late afternoon forecast.

Then, at 11 PM, I looked for the last time last night.
Yes, she was still on her same course.
Well, actually, she was veering slightly more to the west as she dragged her dress past Cuba at last.
More to the west was more to my liking.
I slept very well, for the first time in several days.

This morning, while moving some items off the lowest shelf of the entertainment center, I stumbled upon several old photo pages, loose and upright.
They were Frank's copies of his wedding to my mother, back in September of 1984.
I spent the next two hours scanning them and them posted them on facebook for my family and friends.
Mama had me, home six months from the US Navy, as her maid of honor.

She had one grandchild,
my first niece, Christina,
my brother Ronnie's daughter.
Frank had one grandchild, too,
my nephew Stephen,
my Stepsister Susan's son.
What a bright spot in my morning!

Today, after the bfe left, I've continued making ice in plastic storage containers, placing the huge blocks into my big, rolling, cooler, in anticipation of the electricity going off.
I'm not sure that it will, mind you, but I want to be prepared.
The big blocks, with less exposed surface area than ice from the ice-maker or bagged ice, will definitely have more staying power, in case of an extended power outage.
I've been grading lab papers, too.
That, for sure, is busy work... but it's nice to have the time to do so at a leisurely pace.

Now, the evening report is hot off the internet 'presses'.
Rain will come - 3 to 8 Inches, with isolated 12" cloudbursts - beginning about 2 AM and going on through noon.
Tropical storm gusts up to 63 miles per hour will accompany the rainfall.
So, I'll keep my guard up...
and say a prayer for my blue-sky Penny and my Aunt Linda as they ride out far worse in Tallahassee...
and say a prayer for my brother Smitty out on Dutch Island... and my brother Tony in north Georgia...
and for my brother Ronnie, wherever he may be...
and for all the folks I know and love, and for those who know and love me...
i thank You, God.

Now, for some dinner, a hot shower, and a distracting movie...
and perhaps a quiet night's rest, too.


niece Emily said...

Emily Barry Blackmon

These are great!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

first niece Christina said...

Christina Smith

Thank you for posting these Tina.

30+yr friend Robin said...

Robin Ritenour Jenkins

Your momma looked beautiful and so happy!!!

me, of course said...

She was VERY happy and so was Frank! They had so many travel plans and did get to make some of them come true before he got COPD. Such a wonderful day that was!

By the way, I have her wedding dress. She made it, you know.

friend Donna said...

Donna Howard

Eric Newton...enjoyed these pics as well as I.

Your mom was Beautiful no wonder Ronnie loved her &still misses her so much.

Mama's sister Linda said...

Linda L. Walker

I had not seen these before and I'm so glad to see the now. Sybil looks more beautiful than ever and so very happy. Thanks for sharing these.
I hope Irma is not a problem for you.

Daddy's sister Barbara said...

Barbara Narcarti

Oh Thank you for good old days, Life was so much simpler then.

friend Hallie in LA said...

Hallie Henry Allgood

Your mother was such a pretty lady!

outlaw Bunny said...

Bunny Jones Roberts

So glad you posted these!

outlaw Melinda said...

Melinda McEwen

Nice pics, I remember those good ole days.