Tuesday, September 12, 2017

thanks, Frank

Yesterday, I went in search of diversion... and bright lights, to tell the truth.
My electricity had gone out about 1 PM on Tuesday and was still out when I awoke.
At least the sky had a bit of blue and I could still make coffee.
What did I do last night in the dark?
Well, I worked on crossword puzzles by flashlight. That certainly took a while.

Then I played Left Hand versus Right Hand Scrabble.
You know, that long-time favorite game that I modified for single player mode during last year's hurricane scare?
Left Hand went first...
and what a word to begin the game!
"DECODER" - I was reminded of the pH lab in Chem1151, when I tell my students to use the indicator table as their 'magic decoder ring'!

That was the first - and only - time that all seven tiles were used all at once.
Some of the words that followed were extremely short (ad, for, web, bun), but others were rarer and very nice to see (funky, meager, crave, taper, weir).
Then there was "loser", for me and the GOTG bunch -
I really liked that!

About this time last night, I went out for a walk.
The street lights were on, as were the lights in houses across the park and on one section of my street.
I walked as far as the street lights went... which wasn't that far after all.
The rest of my subdivision didn't even have that blessing from Georgia Power.
When I returned home, I grabbed one of my 'chairs in a bag', parked it under the street light near my front yard... and sat right there and finished reading the book I'd started earlier.
The young police officer driving through paused to make sure I was okay.
I think he really liked what I was doing...
making lemonade from lemons.

This morning, though, I needed to do something, anything.
After all, today was Tuesday.
Kevin had evacuated with his pastry chef and her mom and their four cats.
The other members of las tres amigas had also evacuated, so no help there.
The bfe was still partying with Erica and her mom, so he wouldn't be filling the void, either.
So, what did I do?
I took a shower with the last hot water, dressed in my green dress, and went out to see the world.
That is, I went in search of movies and bright lights.

I didn't find an open cinema, but I did catch the
muted gleam of two pennies.
They were fairly close to each other,
and by coincidence on the driver's side of my car,
in the parking lot at Spotlight Cinema.
I had seen that lights were on in the theater,
so I had parked and walked up to the door.
No one inside...
but I was at the right place at the right time.

I then drove on to the cinema on Stephenson - no lights at all.
Southside to the Regal and Wynnsong - dark buildings with empty parking lots.
The Publix was bright and cheery - even though the shopping carts had been stolen.
No sushi, so I bought smoked gouda mac'n'cheese for lunch today, as well as crunchy kettle chips and fried chicken nuggets and a nice cold bottle of Coke.
Home again, I ate lunch, read a magazine... and started getting antsy.
Over to the park I walked, stacking up downed branches by the roadside for about an hour.
It was almost 4 pm - movie time - Tuesday - aarrrgggghhhhhh!
Would the Victory Cinema be open?
Great googlie ooglie: it was!
After thanking them for being open - and being the only non-drinking option in town - I settled in for a double-header evening of Tuesday normalcy.
My many thanks, Frank Theatres!

The first was "Spiderman: Homecoming",
with a Coca-Cola ICEE and popcorn.
I followed that with "The Dark Tower",
selecting a dinner of nacho cheese and
tortilla chips, with diet Coke.
And what a superb match-up these two films actually were! Both showcased teen boys growing into their new-found strengths and accepting responsibility for their choices and actions. Both had non-family teachers as role models for decision-making.
I decided to stop my movie-spree at two - like my pennies - and venture home again.
Guess what?
The electricity was back on at my house!
I had left two light switches in the 'on' position and my red curtains glowed with their light - hallelujah!
i thank You, God.

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