Friday, September 22, 2017

slippery slope in the octopus garden

I wasn't even doing any particularly tricky dance moves when it happened.
Abbey Road Live! was on stage, with the drummer - of course! - singing my go-to whistling song, "Octopus's Garden".
I had snagged a front-row seat so I could easily get up and dance in the side aisle, so that's what I was doing. However, I made two mistakes. My first was that I was wearing my sandals, which tend to grab carpet rather than slide. My second was not factoring in the angle of the side aisle.
So, there you go.
I came out of a counterclockwise twirl and went to put my right foot down... and it kept going, as the floor was a little farther down on that end of the aisle. That might have been okay, as I could have slid into another twirl, except my sandal grabbed and held my foot at that awkward position.
I knew immediately that I had overextended my right knee.
I managed to fake my way into dancing in place, being sure my left leg was firmly in play, then sat when the song ended. I stayed seated for a couple of songs.
Of course, by that time, the damage was done, n'est-ce pas?
So I got up and danced for several more songs, on the even floor in front of the stage.
How could I not?
But I was sure to not do any more twirls.

I simply had to dance, you know.
These four guys from Athens
roCkED the house!!!
They had started their first set
with "Back In The USSR",
pounding it out with
tons of energy!
"I Saw Her Standing There" -
the break-out song on the
Ed Sullivan Show in 1964 -
sounded fresh as a daisy!
"Here Comes The Sun",
"Nowhere Man", "Rocky Raccoon",
and so much more!

After the break -
and a change into flashy duds! -
they were riding high, "With A Little Help From My Friends",
'cause "I Want To Hold Your Hand"
while we "Twist and Shout"!
Plenty of color around with
"Blackbird" and that "Yellow
Submarine" for "Sgt. Pepper's
Lonely Heart Club Band"!
They also played Mama's song -
"When I'm 64" -
as well as "Birthday"
for the 14-year-old girl
up front and grandma in the back.
Such fun!!!

I finally managed to drive home, being as kind as I could to my damaged right knee. I tell you, working the gas pedal and brake became tiresome, but was not as painful as feeling the vibrations of the car through the floorboard while driving.
Now, I'm resting on the couch, leg up, with ibuprofen in me and ice upon my knee.
The bfe was just making his dinner and is keeping me company.
i thank You God for getting me safely home.

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