Monday, September 18, 2017


I guess that's a word too seldom used.

"What word, my dear?"


"Well, sure. I guess most folks would just say 'fun' and be done with it."

I suppose that could be the reason that several of the 'Born in the 50's and 60's' group have taken a moment to 'like' my post.

"Your post about the Chilliwack music?"

Oh, no, I doubt that they are even aware that my beach exists in this little corner of the ether.
No, I was referring to my post on meetup about the "post-Irma Wine & Appetizer Pairing" garden party at Karen's Flowering Peach.

Lifts a right eyebrow, quizzically...

See what I did there? I took her street name and used it for her condo!

Eyebrow still raised and mouth quirked...

Well, I thought it was cute. So, there!

"Yes, dear. And what did you take to this little soiree? Honestly, I had thought you weren't going...?"

Yeah, but when I saw all the lovely food that folks were bringing, I decided that would be fun for slunch. The party was timed for late afternoon, you know.
And there were two kinds of meatballs and broccoli coleslaw and raspberry with dark chocolate and bruschetta and lasagna and chicken sandwiches and even crepes Suzette!

""Yes, dear. Actually, that sounds like quite a feast!

Oh, it was!

"And what did you bring? You did bring something, didn't you?"

Yes I did! I brought the Butterducks Sweet Peach Wine that I've had for awhile. As it turns out, I did it a favor by aging it so long! It was more like a peach brandy than a dessert wine. (smile)

"My goodness! How long have you had it?"

Well... I'm not sure... but I'm guessing since 2014. That's when I was there with the No Kidding!

"And the food to go along with it?"

I had thought of 'something savory', to offset the sweet. However, so many others were bringing meat that I thought that might be overload. Our hostess, Karen Sherman, had mentioned a dearth of fruits and vegetables from the appetizer listing, so I took that as my cue! Mandarin orange slices, garbanzos, petite & diced unsalted tomatoes, and unsalted kernel corn - and every bit of it from a can! Chilled, I christened it "Southern Orange Salad". That's it on the table, in the clear container with the blue lid.

I even had leftovers to bring home for the bfe! He's been floating in a balloon over Columbus O-hi-O this weekend, performing a wedding for his friend Jeannette.

"I see. I do know that he likes those black bean dishes. I hope he'll like that, too."

Oh, I think he will. And if not, I'll still eat it!
One of the best conversations I had today was with George, a fellow I'd never met before, and MarshaD. As I was talking with him about the Flannery O'Connor meetup and Savannah, she joined in. Next thing I know, we're talking about Italy, where she and he had once lived. Then they began talking Italian! Quite cool!

"That sounds like a lovely time!"

Yes, it truly was!
I thank You, God, for such lovely post-hurricane weather!

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