Sunday, September 3, 2017

happy 40th, squirrel mistress!

Can you believe that Christa 'El Dorado' has completed her fourth decade on Earth?
I know, I know, it seems like quite a stretch... but 'tis true!
This evening, las tres amigas journeyed to Pooler-where-it's-cooler to help her celebrate having attained that milestone.
That means the watching of bad movies, of course!
The one she chose for our 'pleasure' was an especially bad one - I mean, like worthy of being part of Jim Reed's Psychotronic Film Society.
If you ever get the chance, do NOT partake of "Birdemic 2: The Resurrection".
unless you are surrounded by folks willing to help you make fun of the bad acting, weak story, and terrible CGI work on the attacking eagles and vultures.
Fortunately, this was not our first rodeo with Christa! We all had a blast!
i thank You, God!

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