Thursday, January 18, 2018

cat trio in the ocean

My Ocean Room has cats a-plenty.
That's Annie, there in the corner,
with the striped Champ
standing guard and purring.
Elton is lolling atop the table.
They're all siblings,
as I've said,
and are seven-year-old
mature beasts,
but are certainly not elderly like
the other cats I have tended.
You can't tell it from this photo,
but this trio is a posse,
and a mighty tight-knit clan.

For the last three days, I have been readying
the Ocean Room for their arrival.
The mounds of unsorted papers on every available
surface have either been properly stored or
tossed into the recycling bin.
The side window is now devoid of curtain.
That will allow a daylight view for the cats
as well as a night light from the street.
Why that particular space in my house?

Well, I hardly go in that room right now.
In fact, I had considered closing it off,
to save on my heating bill during winter.
That means it was available for other use -
like the boarding of cats.
The room also has a huge variety of surfaces
of diverse texture for the trio to laze upon,
with differences in heights, too.

Ed definitely approves.
he was practically skipping when he left an hour ago...
did my heart good to see it.
The cats have been quiet and settling in.
I don't think I'll intrude tonight.
They have food and water and litter, all fresh -
and a new space of their own for the first time in a month.
It's the first time in that long that have spent time with their 'dad', too.
Ed has said to let them stay in there for about a week.
Then, I can allow them to explore more of the house when I am around.
No need to overwhelm them with too much "newness" just yet.
Much better to allow them time to claim the space as "safe".
That sounds like a good plan.

Christina had bopped over just before the cats arrived.
She had asked - via text - if I wanted to go to lunch.
I had responded that "three cats will arrive within the hour".
She simply had to come and check that out in person!
Good thing, too.
She was able to grab one of the carriers, so all three came in together.
She was able to keep me distracted so Ed could spend alone time with his kittehs.
She was able to keep me grounded and not freaking out about the situation...
because I have been doing so, even getting my lower-back pain that only visits when I am super-streessed.

How am I feeling now?

i thank You, God.

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