Sunday, January 7, 2018

blue-sky visit with family

After a successful morning foray through thinning ice and slush, and a filling meal from the BIG Coffee Hour, I took my rock for a drive out toward Bonaventure. Would it be open? Were the roads under those beautiful oaks freed from their sheets of ice?
It was! They were!

My first stop in Greenwich
was to check on this
beautiful angel.
Yes, she had survived the snow!
No signs of cracking
under the strain, either.

Then I carefully maneuvered along the still-icy lanes toward the Barry family plot.
Would there be snow on the graves?
No, there was not, though a patch of snow several inches deep lay to the shaded right side of the family marker.
I can only imagine how much of the frosty substance had lain atop the stones for Mama, Frank, George, Zaida, and her brother.

I stayed there for quite a while,
singing my version of
e.e. cumming's "Thank you",
admiring the beautiful blue sky above.
I even told George Kevin's joke
about the bear in the bar
I think his laughter caused
the sun shower starburst on my car!

The sun shower starburst showed up
at Jean Marie's marker, too!
I know my niece had a delightful
sense of humor -
maybe she liked the joke, too.
Yes, I choose to believe that,
I truly do!

On my way back to the road again
I passed through Forest Lawn
and stopped to search through
all the heavy snow for
David Johnson's marker.
See that palm trunk on the left?
I think the stand of flowers
with the American flag
is at his grave site.
Now, time to go home for hot tea
and get out of this chill air!

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