Monday, January 29, 2018

super blue moon

I was struck by the sight of the huge sphere as I was leaving the campus, so I snapped this shot.
The time was 7:30 PM.
I had known that the moon would be of the super variety, as it was very close to Earth in its orbit.
I had also known it would be a blue moon, as it was the second full moon this month.
Clouds had been rolling in, so I was pleased to have seen it at all.

Fifteen minutes later, I was
standing in my front yard,
waiting for this shot.
I had noticed the bright blur
behind the cloudbank and,
seeing that they were racing along,
decided to stay in place
for the view to come.
And boy, did it!
This was certainly worth
a bit of patience!
Right place, right time -
i thank You, God!

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