Tuesday, January 16, 2018

not soup!

After five meals in a row of soup,
I took great joy in having solid food tonight.
Where was I?
At the Galley at Armstrong, of course.
Was Kevin with me on this Tuesday?
Nope, he stayed home with a cold.
Not me! I treated myself to finally
seeing "Jumanji" at Spotlight.
What great fun! I want to see it again!

It was as if "The Breakfast Club" had been updated to include role-playing video games for today's young folks. Seriously, it was great fun... and felt "true", you know?
I had been invited to join Barbara and others at the Regal afterward. I had even been on my way to that cinema when I realized that I was really hungry. Popcorn simply was not going to do. Not when I knew the Galley had pork schnitzel and braised cabbage... no, food took precedence over a second movie.
After all, I had been working up an appetite all day.
Doing what, you ask?
Making up packages to surprise some of the children in my life.

I had purchased these six 3-D wooden puzzles at Ripley's Aquarium on the 4th.
Now was the time to mail them.
I'll have cats here on Thursday and I don't know how full that day - and the days to follow - may be for me.
Great-niece Ally and niece Aubree will each receive a sea turtle.
Great-nephew Kobe and nephew Conner are getting the fierce
sharks to construct.
Great-niece Caitlyn and nephew Merritt shall have the graceful dolphins.
I know all will be quite happy with these "thinking of you" gifts. I do hope they will do as I've requested and send me a photo of them with their completed projects.
I will be thrilled with that!

I also found the old photograph of my step-dad, Frank, as a little boy with curly hair. Molly, my niece from stepsister Jean, had spoken to me at church a few weeks ago, wondering from whence came her curly locks. I told her she got those from Pop and that I had a photo to prove it. I'm so glad I found it earlier today!
Bonnie, my stepmom, will be receiving an issue of "Reminisce" that features Elvis on the cover. Several stories are in it of folks' recollections of going to his concerts or watching his movies. I've had the magazine for quite a while, in a "safe place", so it's a wonder I found it a day or so ago.
My ex will be getting a surprise package, too. It will contain the manufacturer sticker from his first new car, the 2001 blue Saturn SC1 that was totaled less than ten hours after driving it off the lot. I also found the paperwork for his Church Street Inn property - no need for me to have that still!
Let's see, what else did I do?
Oh, yes... I finally mailed those 'Thank you' notes I wrote yesterday!
Good to have all of that done.
What a satisfying day t has been!
I even went to the grocery store after my dinner at the Galley and picked up the things I've been missing the past few days. Little things, you know, like tortilla chips and sliced cheese and cereal.
Speaking of which, some cereal would be right tasty right now.
Catch you on the flip side!

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