Thursday, January 10, 2019

a memento of okinawa and hanza

When I departed from Okinawa, home since March of 1981, I took this with me.
I PCS'ed out of there on Dec 7, 1982, on my way to San Diego, California.
First, though, I would have a month in Savannah, making it home for Mama's 45th.
I had been given this fancy plaque by the department head, when we'd all gone to Shakey's Pizza for one last lunch together.
On the back, there are four giant labels, for the four duty sections, with signatures from those I had worked with over the almost two years at Hanza.
Very nice!
I had posted the photo on the facebook page for NSGA Hanza, to show folks that I still had it, after all these years.
I had thought everyone got one when they left... apparently not!
Here are the posts I received, with the last one from just a day or so ago.

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Faustina Smith: "Larry Pritchett, John DeMatteo, Cathi Irvin, Ralph Conkright, George 'Beau' Cherry, Mike Young, Callie Townsend, Dennis Golembiewski, Richard Putt, Jim Metzger, Earl Say, Walter Oppfelt, Rick Hardy... these are only the names I can read on the back of my plaque. Do any of y'all have one of these?"

Deb Thomas: "I got a plaque but it wasn't this fancy. Nice momento! :)"

Faustina Smith: "It really was! I think Dennis Golembiewski was behind that."

Martin Kresinske: "I believe it was Daryl Golembiewski. CTM1..."

Martin Kresinske: "Deb Thomas, all they gave me was an airplane ticket... 😂"

Deb Thomas: "Me too, Martin Kresinske, but at least mine was a ticket to Edzell, Scotland. Gave up another 4 years of my life for that ticket... worth it! :) "

Faustina Smith: "Martin Kresinske, All I recalled was that his first name started with a D. His writing was like a doctor's!:

John DeMatteo: "Hey Tina! Wow so cool to hear from you. That is a cool plaque! I don't remember getting one."

Faustina Smith: "Good to hear from you! Well, I had thought everyone got one, but maybe not. It was given to me at Shakey's Pizza, as I recall. Remember that place? Corn kernels on the pizza - but it was good!"

Daniel Sorge: "Savannah- I definitely remember you now!"

Cathy Allison: "I didn't get one (or anything) for that matter when left in '83."

Faustina Smith: "Hmmm... maybe it was just something the M-branchers got? Any clues out there?"

Larry Pritchett: "After staying there for 4 1/2 years, i think i only got a good riddance letter. Haha"

Cathy Allison: "Dang, Larry, I didn't even get that. :( The command was probably glad to see me go. :) "

Martin Kresinske: "At least you got that Larry..."

*** *** ***

Now, that duty station has been wiped clean from that rocky hilltop.
My plaque is even more special to me now.

i thank You, God.

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