Sunday, January 29, 2017

derenne, bill, and the lincoln continental

What might those three things have in common?
Well, they are each part of a vivid dream that stayed long enough for me to capture.

In one dream, from a while back, I saw an incredible car, on a rotating dais. (Maybe a memory from the Las Vegas car show?) It looked like it was done in beautiful cream icing, but had so many textures!
And guess what? It had dragons on the front and they moved!!!
And guess what? It had cocker spaniels near the back, with such soft fur and warm noses - sculpted in icing!
Then the Lincoln Continental was gone and I was at a party at a place maybe like the Guild Hall, if it had merged with a Halloween store.
I was there with a guy and a girl and we had come from someone else's house.
I had suggested a series of films called "What's in the Bag?", in which the contents of purses of people of different ages were explored.

Last week, I dreamed that I had pulled over on DeRenne Avenue to say hi to Bill Peterson, who was surveying the road with two other men.
One of the men gave me a letter and Bill seemed to disappear.
The letter was from Bill.
It was a love letter, in which he began with how long he had wanted to kiss me but wanted me to be ready.
He had known I was the one because I had been so kind toward Jeff during the divorce, wanting to be sure he did not lose friendships and that people would know he was still a good guy.
That meant I was a good person, as I continued to show him.
I was the woman for him, with my love of baseball and his artwork and life.
--- And then I woke up.
What a time I had been having! I was seeing folks (including Dee, of all people!) and helping around a bar/cafe that giving gifts (a special key to one, a special tea urn to another) to treasured customers. Then, on my way to somewhere else, I had spotted Bill's lanky form and pulled over...
I hope this will recur.

This one was this morning.
I went to the airport, to go to Europe, with a dying older man that I had never slept with.
He had two huge suitcases.
As we sit, waiting to board, I received a phone call about activating my new credit card.
"Such a hassle this company is," I told him.
Then I realized I didn't have my passport.
Ok, though - I had my library card!
But I didn't have any luggage.
We had gone from the doctor's office to his place, gotten his two suitcases, and gone straight to the airport.
I had no underwear, no toothbrush or hairbrush - only the clothes I was wearing.
There was no time to go to my place, get packed, go get my passport from the bank, and get back to the airport.
What to do?
Go, unprepared, to Europe or forego the trip?
--- (Allegory to my invention funding situation?)

Dreams, eh?
They keep me going these days, as Jim Croce would say.

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