Monday, September 23, 2019

oddly (a)musing monday!

It almost felt as though I'd gone back in time...
and I very much liked the sensation!
Not that I don't always find myself heartened by Odd Lot's antics, but crowds of strangers give me pause.
The shows at the Loft on Liberty tend to be quite well populated when I venture to them on a Friday or Saturday night.
Not so tonight... and I loved it!
That's one of the reasons I prefer the Monday Madness - I'm not lost in the multitudes.
The small audience flashed me back to the group's early days at Muse Arts Warehouse.
It was rather nice to have more rapport with the players tonight...
just as I used to have before the crowds.
I truly do believe that all of the improv comedy groups alive today in Savannah have Odd Lot to thank for their success.
Even so, tonight I felt a closeness that I've missed with these folks.
Now, on to the show!

Eric, as new emcee, opened with "World's Worst",
of course!
That one let all of the players trot out their wares
and get a little warm-up.
I especially liked the "unicorn" with two horns,
and the very loud "librarian"!
"Actor's Nightmare" - using page 8 - pitted the Mister and Missus together!
They were dining at an old country-style buffet - rather, Megan was trying to do so, but Chris kept talking as if relatives were part of the foods offered.
Hahahaha hahaha!
The next skit, "Noir", found new improv-er Hannah
in search of her lost parakeet.
Meanwhile, we find out from detective Josh the
grisly end of the pretty bird -
oh, poor little tweeter!
Trust me, it was hilarious!
Still, "The Bachelor Game" was the best, which is why it remains one of my favorites!
Megan, a model for mismatched socks and a kazoo champion, was in search of a date.
Bachelor One, Chris, was at the throes of the current battle of the chicken sandwiches.
To combine with waffle fries or dirty rice, that is the question!
Jason, as Bachelor Two, had traveled in time from
the past and now found himself stranded in quite
a strange new world.
That was made even more odd by Bachelor Three.
How so?
Well, Skyler was becoming more squirrel-like every
minute... and more endearingly the choice of that
lucky bachelorette!
"Genres" was a lot of fun, too!
Partly, I was drawn in by the Sunday morning activity engaged in by the pair: solving a crossword puzzle.
Now, there's something near and dear to analytical me, especially as I had polished off a couple while doing laundry earlier!
Here, Chris is looking for a way to force "p-u-m-m-e-l" into a five-letter space.
Concurrently, Jason is in need of a "three-letter word
for a furry animal", with him knowing the first letter
to be a ... "c".
Hahahaha!!! Hahaha!!!
The above was the first draft, before changing styles to "sportscast", "youtube commercial", and a few others.
But the one that received the most kudos from the audience was this one, done "a la John Woo" and full of almost-dancing fight moves - oh, yeah!!!
"Half-Life" had one caveat from the emcee: the scene had to take place in a very crowded venue.
What could better fit that description than New York's Times Square on New Year's Eve?
Great suggestion, right?
So, here we have partiers Megan and Josh, having muscled their way over to the beer vendor.
That feat was performed twice, as the first drafts were gone by the time they regained their vantage point.
The only way to have accomplished the deed in time was to have Megan as lookout on Josh's back, to maneuver more quickly through the throngs.
The only problem with having such an ambitious gambit was having to perform it ever faster as the skit progressed from one-minute in length to three seconds - woohoo!!!
There followed a rather lengthy story about horse-riding, told in four genres.
That means it became quite complicated quite quickly!
Josh was first, setting the epic tale in a far-off fantasyland, thereby allowing a bit of time for the others to devise their take-offs.
Skyler was the next to take control, weaving in a bro-mance for the ages.
Next, a bit of levity was needed and Hannah delivered with a dash of Disney whimsey, as a jealous witch entered with a poisoned apple... and we all know how horses love that fruit!
Time for a grill patio to be constructed around the now-sleeping equine, with Chris expressing the details in the manner reserved for home-and-garden tv shows.
Those details eventually included a plexiglass table fashioned above the horse, much like the glass box that enclosed Sleeping Beauty.
You know what that means, right?
No, no one had to kiss the horse...
but it did need the "one true groomer" to brush its mane for it to awaken from its drugged slumber.
Truly an amazing - and long - tale!
"Ding Slips", on the other hand, was short.
Jason, Megan, and Hannah were on a picnic at a water park, but there was a snafu, naturally.
Namely, the ham sandwiches had been on the water slide and no one wanted the soggy things now.
Then, hastening the end, one of my slips was pulled!
"If there are plenty of fish, why do I keep catching eels?"
Loved it!!!
Another fairly short skit was "Press Conference", with the majority of the night's crew scattered into the audience to help the one on stage determine their famous deed.
Josh did quite well at figuring out he had made off with all the eating utensils in the world!
I guess all had to resort to the Moroccan style of dining, using just hands and pita wedges.
Hey, I went to The Casbah, I know how that works!
"Sound Effects" proceeded apace as well!
Chris was providing the noises associated with a bowling: gutter balls dropping into the trench and behind the pins, strikes making the pins scatter about, that sort of thing.
But after Jason loosed this ball, fireworks went off at the pinsetter - that's pretty novel!
By the way, good form there, Jason!
The night's frolics ended with "Objection", giving all one last chance to shine their lights.
I honestly do not recall what the word bandied about was, but I can say it led to talk of "keto" and "Kato" and "juicing", which was pretty hilarious for those of us a bit older who knew the 1994 reference.
"Beer" and "cheese" and "milk stout" had appearances, during the shifting of the floor between players.
Congrats to Megan for her fifteen seconds of applause!

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