Wednesday, October 16, 2024

crawlin' out of the forties... bwah ha ha!

Sounds like something from Svengoolie, but it isn't.

Nope, this is straight from Mother Nature and Father Time.

The pre-dawn low was in the mid-40's here at Latitude 32 North.

The bad news is that'll be repeated tomorrow.

But it's going to get better!

See that weather song from WSAV?

The tempo is upbeat, with a steady climb up the scales as the weekend nears!

Not that weekends mean a whole lot to retirees...

or so my Stepdad, Frank, would have said, since every day is the weekend...

only, I have found that isn't really true.

Perhaps if I lived in a retirement community it might seem that way.

However, in real life, I still look forward to weekends.

That's when most of the ones I know and love have days for socializing.

Yesterday was a rare treat.

Saturday will see me in Hinesville for time with family.

That will be a treat, too!

Now, if only this weather would stop playing tricks and give me a few summer days...

yes, that would be quite lovely for my warm heart!


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