Tuesday, October 1, 2024

scrabble in the dark

Okay, let us begin.
Friday afternoon, Game 1: 
wax - fawn - hoof
both - rioter - slur - 
axis - lore - spoil
shivs - lounge - grain - 
atria - rouge - gram
neater - matey - big - 
veer - depend - quo
punt - tack - pew - 
jaw - fancy - lend
doe - id - in - sez
lower - in - if
"Sez" was questionable, but all tiles were used.
That counts as a game "won" by the Right Hand and the Left Hand.
After Po' Girl Ceviche, I played again.
Friday evening, Game 2:
form - gram - ride - zone - haze
dove - coat + to - riders - jig - kept -
gifs - quid + do - ruin - knits - fawn -
baby - deny - colt - suet + tot - pacts - 
shoal -deal - trued - soon - wee
toy - meany - vim - rail - lava - tote
up - green - lie - sex - hi

Very nice, a second win!
Plus, Miyah lost a tooth.
Later that night I played again, after a 30-minute drive in the dark to charge my phone. 
Friday night, Game 3:
vowel - navy - bray -
beetle - forge - cider -
wooden - trainee - roomie -
waits - smoky - aloha -
idea - tile - jars -
joint - aura - faith -
squats - beet - egg -
gain - if - point - ha - do

Yikes - ten tiles left; major fail.
Saturday morning, I realized the problem may have been that Right Hand started out with "vowel" (its first word) running vertically instead of on the horizontal.
After shifting the tiles for a horizontal start, that resulted in "point" not being possible off the "i" in "gain".
Thirty minutes later I had 7 new words (exit - hand - zip - dot - up - us) on the board.
The game still was a loss, but only one tile - a "v" - was left unplaced.
That was a marked improvement.
That was also a lesson learned about the importance of placement of the initial word.
Saturday night, after watching football with Tony and Laura, I played a fresh game before bed.

Saturday, late, Game 1 of day:
clone - bearer - stub - deacon -
rail - exit - adore - mothy - owl -
voter - edit - fret - may - chain -
lows + to - mere - gap + ego + ran -
foes - gape - gaze - toga - qua -
chaining - zoo - in - square - in
pout - stove - jam + Maya - tibia
kin - led - eons - id

Such an interesting set of words!
Plus, the game was a win...
or so I thought.
Sadly, the morning light of Sunday revealed "deacon" had been misplaced on the board as "d-a-e-c-o-n".
After making the correction, several words had to be eliminated (gap-ego-ran, gape, kin, led, and id).
New words were formed from the recovered tiles:
gild - keg - pal - uh - en - en

The game was still a "win", as all tiles were used.
But, just look at that ugly board!!!
So much empty space at the top left!
After cleaning the now-empty refrigerator, I went into the sunshine... and to a movie!!!
Then, as darkness fell, it was again time to play Scrabble.

Sunday night, Game 1:
bison - shad - halo - axe - need -
pipe - wine - pig - comb - tong -
crack - qui - aerie - waxed + id -  
quite - vine - ideas - ell - easy
taze - soft - jaunt - feint - grunt - 
dairy - rev - soy - drums - early
bop - tar - green - it - oaf + no

All tiles used up, too!
Very nice to go out on a win.
I had hoped that would be my last 
game in the dark, and it was, thankfully, 
as power was restored Monday just past dark o'clock.

Each game took about 60 to 75 minutes to play.
No scoring was done; that would have taken too long.
The goal was simply to use all tiles.
I'm so glad I had this game to while away the dark hours!

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