Saturday, January 5, 2019

happy 13th, Noah!

What a good choice this card turned out to be
for today's birthday boy!
I've had it for years, waiting for the right
person to receive it...
my new nephew was definitely the one!
How did I know?
When I arrived, there was a group by the pond,
practicing their flyfishing techniques!
I hadn't even known there was a pond!
Here, my biggest little brother, Smitty, is
helping untangle to lines that got crossed.
Here's my littlest little brother, Tony, sittin'
pretty atop this mud-boggin' vehicle!
I do believe that's the most relaxed I've seen
him in many years.
I think being a stepdad is agreeing with him.
And this one has both Smitty and Tony.
Whatever are they doing?
Getting ready to eat burgers and hotdogs!
Oh, yeah!
Harry and his dad, Lee, had finished grilling
and Robin had brought the meat to the shed.
In fact, that's our hostess, Robin, in the
robin's-egg blue top!
She and all of her family had joined Tony and
Laura (and me and Smitty and Mary) in cheering
Noah on to make a wish after the singing of
"Happy Birthday" to him.
Blow out the candles he did, too!
I have no idea what he wished for, but he had
the first slice of that delicious birthday
cake, so his wish is sure to come true!
Here he is, sporting the Savannah Bananas shirt
and ballcap that I gave him.
He was thrilled with them, putting them on
immediately after seeing them!
I was so pleased to have that major award
for this baseball player.
i thank You, God!
I'm so glad that Laura invited me out to the
Jenkins' home in Blichton, to join them all
for this day in the sun!
How wonderful to see the three of them as a
new family and spend this time together!
What a blessing!

And what a blessing to be able to spend more time with my brothers, too!
As it was last month, I had two of my three siblings by my side.
I must agree with my man Meat Loaf - "Two Out Of Three Ain't Bad".
Here's hoping to get all three the next time!
For now, I'm off to Carey Hilliard's for a rare dinner with Christina and her girl!
i thank You, God!

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