Tuesday, January 15, 2019

chelsea chooses crabs!

Twenty of us had gathered at Tin Fin for Chelsea's 20th birthday!
Pretty nice coincidence with those numbers, wasn't it?
And just why had this small restaurant been selected?
And why were we meeting on a Tuesday evening?
I'll tell you why: Chelsea wanted crab legs for her birthday dinner and the Tin Fin of Rincon (notice how well that rhymes, please!) offers all-you-can-eat crab legs on Tuesdays!
I think it was $35 per person... but the dinner for Chelsea and her boyfriend was Melinda's gift to her daughter.

My dinner was the pound of boiled shrimp and corn on the cob, but it was still pricey.
That's okay, though.
I had a beautiful view!
Leila and Alyssa shared my end of the first long table.
Miyah sat with us briefly, but then she bopped over to her Grammy.
That's Melinda, cuddling up with Matt while holding Miyah on her lap, at the second table, visible between the twins.
(Nice photo bomb, Alyssa!)
Venita is up against the wall,
directly behind the girls, and next
to Matt's Mom, Mary, who is beside
his dad, Lee.
Melinda's one-and-only brother, David, is in blue and sitting beside his girlfriend, Karen.
Those two frequent this place and knew about the crab leg feast.
The birthday girl and her beau were catty-corner from me, at my table.
Christina, shown here at the second table, was initially between her sister and Miyah.
Melinda's sister, Tammy, was beside me. Then there were her husband, Booby, and their two kids. They all had the crab legs.
Melinda's youngest sister, Robin, was across from them with her daughter.
At this point, everyone was a bit scattered, including the twins.
Part of the movement of people was due to the dearth of crab legs.
I think the restaurant was a bit overwhelmed to have so many leg-folks at our two tables!
The two waitresses simply could not bring them out fast enough, plus serve the rest of the tables.
That time lapse gave the smokers, including Matt, plenty of reasons to step outside...
and where her PawPaw went,
so did Miyah!
But then he came back inside for more food, bringing her in, too, and that's when things went awry.
That littlest girl commenced to screaming and wriggling and being an absolute almost-two-years-old terror!!!
She wouldn't settle down for Christina, nor for her Grammy, nor for the birthday girl -
not for anyone!!!
Then again, by that time it was almost 9 PM and past her bedtime.

We all took our leave after settling the tabs, glad to have seen each other...
glad to have shared this time of celebration together...
glad to be granting the wish of the littlest girl.
i thank You, God.

1 comment:

faustina said...

Oh, look!
A review of the restaurant!
