Monday, January 21, 2019

therapy via movies

Last night, after a long day of travel, I had returned from Virginia utterly exhausted.
As wonderful as it had been to see everyone and hear
the stories from the past, the occasion had still been quite stressful.
Finding the penny under this skylight at PHF had calmed me that morning, but I was ready to go long before
my 3 PM flight.
Finding the warlock at the ATL airport was a definite day-brightener.
I had noticed the luggage first, as the medieval floral
is much like that on mine.
The black cat topper, though, drew my gaze upward as
I took in the person dragging that bag.
Very nice, and somehow reassuring that a wielder of magic would choose air travel.
When my late flight finally reached SAV about 9 PM, I'd been traveling for almost twelve hours and my energy was sapped.
The very thought of walking through the parking garages to the far lot brought tears.
So, I took a page from my Grandmama's book and claimed "helpless older lady" status.
Two security guards gladly drove me out to my car.
i thank You, God.

After letting the ex, my first niece, and a few others know I was safely home, I sought no other company than that afforded by the television.
ON DEMAND provided me with the perfect respite:
"Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure".
The free 1989 movie was completely relaxing, as it was one of my long-time favorites.

I slept for eleven hours, waking to Abba's "Does Your Mother Know" playing on my mental jukebox.
Very nice!
Not yet feeling up to company, I turned to ON DEMAND again for diversion.
Fortunately, it served up another free favorite, 1988's
"A Fish Called Wanda", that I know by heart.

Afterward, I felt that I might be up for something a bit different, maybe even try a movie I had never seen -
but what might that be?
How about "Box of Moonlight", I thought, with 39-year-old John Turturro and 30-year-old Sam Rockwell?
That 1996 film was a winner, featuring nude shots of both men.
Sweet dreams for me...
i thank You, God.

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