Wednesday, January 2, 2019

new nephew Noah

"You have a new nephew? Who had a baby?"

Oh, he isn't a baby. He's almost a thirteen-year-old boy. A real one, too, truly of that age, not like the physicist. (smile)

"And just how did he come to be part of the family?"

Well, his mom married my youngest brother, back in July. That 'absolutely' added her and her sons to our clan.
That's also made Tony a Grandpa to her oldest son's children. He met them last weekend when he and Laura returned for a late Christmas in Missouri... and returned with her youngest son, Noah, to have his birthday here in Savannah.

"I see. Wow, this past few months has been full of change for them!"

And for all of us, too! Good, positive change!
That includes how I spent this particular 2nd day of January.

"Truly? I know this day has been... rough... in years past."

Yes. The nearing of this date had cast a pall over the last few weeks, making Christmas feel... odd... off.. leading to a need for something definitely different to end the year. As I'd told JinHi and others, I've been missing Mama more than usual. I had added, with a catch in my voice, "it's been 18 years. You;d think I'd be 'over it' by now."
Hence, my acceptance of the open invite to the Kelly's for their family's NYE festivities - definitely different certainly describes it!
Definitely, it was a big part of what I needed.
Then, yesterday's doubleheader at the cinema had again made me realize that I am not alone in my grieving for lost parents. "Mary Poppins Returns", seen for the second time, focused on the loss of a mom by three children. The second film, "Bumblebee", seen with Barbara and Carolyn, concerned the loss of a dad by two children.
They made me grateful that I had my parents well into my adult life.
That was good, very good, for my mental health.
Today was, too.

"Wait a minute. Wasn't yesterday Tuesday? I thought you already had dinner and movie plans with Kevin...?"

I had thought so, too, but he stood me up at El Potro and was a no-show for the Transformers movie, too. He is in full-on "Koothrappali" mode with his latest fish, this time from the Ukraine. As he has done with the others, he is already fantasizing of their happy-ever-after dance into the sunset... and they have only had one date... for coffee.

"And he's a psychologist? Well, he does work primarily with children. He probably hasn't noticed his own pattern, so you are to be commended for being a good friend and pointing it out to him at y'all's last outing."

I sure hope he sees it that way. Something certainly needs to change.

"Sounds like maybe the Great Wolf forecast this well."

Yes, transformation does seem to be in the air. i thank You, God!

"Amen to that.
But you still haven't mentioned what transpired today, dear.

Oh! I guess I haven't yet. Well, it was definitely different, too! I spent seven hours with my new nephew, that's what went down! He accompanied me to my WW meeting, then we went down to Jekyll Island - just the two of us!

"Laura and Tony weren't with y'all?"

Nope! They both had to work. It was just me and Noah, Noah and I. And you know the most amazing part?

"What was that?"

Not once did he play games on his phone. Not during the ride down there, not during our time on the island, not even during the ride back to Savannah. Instead, we talked. We talked. We talked about movies (we both love "Black Knight"). We talked about music (mostly about rap, surprisingly). We talked about deer hitting cars and names of the rivers we passed and types of birds along the way. We talked about clouds: the types of clouds, the images seen in them, the importance of imagination to puzzle solving in life. We talked about his life on his dad's farm and the cows that have walked into the pond and the dogs he's had there. We talked continuously, with him mostly initiating each topic.

"As Boss would say, "Wow!" That sounds like a great way to spend this day!"

It truly was! Then we went to Driftwood Beach and spend several hours there! So many hermit crabs! So many types of shells amid the rocks and up on the shore! So much walking for both of us!

"Hooray! And such a lovely day for it, too!"

Indeed! We didn't even need our jackets and probably could have done fine in sandals!

"Hallelujah! What a blessing this has been, compared with last year at this time!"

Heard! I am so thankful to have warmth instead of ice and snow!

"You do seem so much more relaxed this time around. I really like the way the driftwood complements your hair, both in color and line."

Me, too! I was so pleased with this photograph that I've used it for my fb profile.

"Very nice! I'm sure that's the response you'll be getting from folks, too! Plus, it reminds me of the way the beach sand agrees with your hair, too."

You're right, of course. I had almost forgotten about that post. Pretty much like we forgot to keep track of time on the beach today! Our initial goal had been to visit the Georgia Sea Turtle Center, with the beach as a side trip, should time allow. I had switched up the order, as the sky was overcast on the drive there.

"So, did y'all make it to the see the turtles?"

Only barely. We had fifteen minutes to spend there! But the place still had an impact on him and he has a keychain - with his name on it! - to remind him he was there.

"Oh, that's a fun shot, of him 'turning turtle' like on the info placard!"

Yes, I thought so, too, as did he! He truly has quite a tale to tell his mom and my brother tonight, as well as his friends back home.

"And you, too, dearie. You've had a tale to tell, too, right here."

So I have! Plus I got to show love to Mama and Mother Pat.
Right place, right time.
Today has been a blessing!

"i thank You, God."

i thank You, God.

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