Saturday, January 19, 2019

celebration of Arlene, post-mass

After the mass, the family and friends headed to the Kiln Creek Country Club for comfort and comfort food.
(In fact, that's where I had snapped the earlier photo of the women in scarves.
Those dears had even made sure I had an official seat at one of the front tables.
That's Daniel and dear Stephanie, still like newlyweds, to the left,
Jenna and her boyfriend, Bryce, round out the foursome.
Apparently, we were having such a good time at our table that the youngsters had to come on over!
The young couple are in college now, so the talk turned in that direction -
and to students arranging their schedules to not miss their soap operas.
That's when Steph waxed rhapsodic about "The Young And The Restless", and, amazingly, so did Jeff!
His tie-in was about the tune which is forever linked to the show: "Nadia's Theme".
The song was written for a film in 1971; the television show debuted in 1973, and is still going strong.
Christopher got a big kick out of his sister's soap craze - and from his cousin Jeff crooning the song!
So did I - good times!
By three-thirty, all were done with food and ready
to fully enjoy the extensive slide show that Jenna
had created, using photographs she had gathered
from the family... including me!
Last week, I had again pored over old photo albums
and scanned more than fifty for her, from the early
1990's to the reunion trip to Nag's Head in July, 2009.
How very wonderful to hear reminisces of those
happy times shared together!
Not long after, I had witnessed a bet between Daniel
and the Mad Rose (him betting she would like tomatoes in seven years, her betting not), watched a putter miss his shots repeatedly, and then it was time for the family to head to the Davidson's for story time -
PEACE OUT! (smile)
Here's Jeff, early on in the evening, catching up with Pam, Uncle Larry's sister.
Her husband, John Miramonte, wasn't able to make this trip, due to health issues.
Hopefully his back will be better soon.
And here Jeff is again!
This time he's with Christopher, Stephanie, and Madelyn, and obviously regaling them with some funny tale.
Just what was spoken, I can't say...
because I don't know!
I was just the photographer, I promise!
Shortly after that, Jeff was in deep powwow with his mom's and Auntie's cousins.
That's Gene Mroz at the head of the table.
Felix, with the thatch of white hair, is facing Jeff.
Steven Stokfisz is there beside Felix, out of the frame.
Jeff's cousin Brian had come in to check on the group, as they were missing the family tales being told.
Hint taken by the group in the dining room!
Within the next half-hour, Jeff was in the breakfast nook, sharing the memories warming the air - and our hearts - on this chilly evening.
Speaking of chili, Brian had made some!
It was good and cheesy, too - just like him!
Brian started the storytelling, too, but not with one about his mom - well, not directly.
No, this one was about his dad and his Grandpa Ed. As it turns out, Larry was at sea on the USS Forrester when a Coast Guard chopper came to carry him off to Annapolis, courtesy of Ed.
Larry sent the helicopter back, saying no thanks to the offer - he wanted to get back to his sweetie, Arlene, after that tour of duty!
That wasn't the only story Brian had, of course.
He also told of one in his teen years, when he was called down from his bedroom, by his dad, to the den.
Once there, where Larry and Arlene were cuddled up, Brian discovered the reason for his summons...
his folks were too comfortable on the couch to get up and change the tv channel!
Brian was the 'remote control' for them!
Uncle Larry stepped in with a "Brian" story in which the boy had "run away" ... but only as far as the neighbor's yard. The neighbor had even ratted Brian out, going to the Kopek house and telling them where he'd gone!
That was quite funny!
Larry also told one about his being asleep in his car in an empty lot across from his parent's house when the MP's had come looking for him, saying he was AWOL. LOL!
The fellow in the white sweater is one of Larry's cousins.
He related a tale about him and Larry sent to Chicago to fetch back Bob, destined for the priesthood.
Wonder of wonders, the man had been taking photos... and had laid out on the floor, in a woman's shape, the nudes of several!
I bet the Playboy Club there was his inspiration!
And that man in the gray shirt and glasses?
He's Doug, Larry's Canadian brother-in-law.
I had introduced myself to the woman and, when she
had not recognized my name, I said "the ex-wife of
Auntie Arlene's nephew, Jeff".
That's when Doug had piped up, smilingly, "You know
what that makes you, right? Baggage!"
"Right pretty baggage, too!" I had jokingly replied.
"Especially this beautiful blue sweater I'm wearing!"
Doug was also the one who told the only roast-style
tale about Arlene.
Doug and his wife had joined Larry and Arlene at their Hilton Head condo a few years ago. On the final day, Doug opted to help by cleaning out the refrigerator...
and threw out "a quarter of a half-sandwich".
We all knew exactly what Auntie had said:
"No! Someone will eat that later!" (smile)
Larry had a good one about Mother Pat!
She had joined Larry and Arlene to drive out to the Grand Canyon - think it was summer - and she had opted to stay in the car while they got out and took a look.
The keys were in the car, so she could have the A/C -
and in the car they remained, when she joined them for a look, after carefully locking the doors behind her...
keys still in the ignition. LOL!
All good tales, but see that fellow in the center?
He's Doug's son, Steve, and he had some doozies about Grandpa Ed, Larry's dad.
Like, Grandpa Ed kept a whistle to blow in a restaurant, if he thought the service was slow.
Grandpa Ed used to not think twice about fighting a guy twenty years his junior.
Grandpa Ed had a set of new tools, out at the lake house, and went crazy when a much younger Steve had
chucked the tools into the water, one by one, trying to get the attention of a turtle sunning itself.
There were more, but those are the ones I recall most.
I'm not sure that Madelyn quite knew whether to believe these tales about her great-grandfather or not!
The general consensus seemed to be that the stories were most definitely true!
Whether or not they were exaggerated, the memories spoken of in these recollections about family now gone accomplished their mission:
to bring smiles and laughter to hearts left behind.
Tomorrow, those hearts will return to their homes.
Jeff will be returning to Rome before 7 AM.
I'll be off to Savannah at 3 PM.
And the thing I will most fondly recall?
This big, beautiful smile on Uncle's face.

i thank You, God.

1 comment:

faustina said...

Postscript: I had thought about telling my favorite memory of Arlene, but feared it wouldn't be taken well. As I told Jeff, the mood wasn't right for it.