Tuesday, January 8, 2019

nicol, not nicoll, not nicole

That was just a stray thought, tied to a blog post, whilst seeing "Welcome To Marwen" for the second time today. Perhaps that blog popped into my head because I was Kevin-less on this Tuesday, perhaps not.
Why was he not present? I suspect he's having girl problems again.
I hope he will have his head back on straight in two weeks. That'll be the soonest I could have another Tuesday with him, as next week's is taken.
Meanwhile, I had the chance to see this film about Mark Hogancamp again.
I am increasingly impressed with Steve Carell's ability to capture a character and transfer it to the screen. I used to think him fairly one-dimensional as an actor, mostly because of his work on "The Office", a television show I detested.
Then came "Despicable Me". Even though it was only his voice in the animated movie, I think Gru's completely different physical appearance helped me separate Carell into his components. I'm sure it helped that I loved the movie! Maybe it was Agnes' unicorn, maybe it was the story of the "Annie"-like orphans, maybe it was those zany yellow Minions... Whatever it was, singly or the sum of its parts, I loved it!
And that made me appreciate Steve Carell for being part of it.
That was in 2010.
Since then, Gru has returned in in three more movies, cementing my warm regard for the actor behind the voice.
More serious fare, such as "The Big Short" and "Battle Of The Sexes" proved that the man has serious chops and isn't afraid to stretch the boundaries.
Most recently, I've seen him in "Vice", playing a ruthless politician, and doing it very well.
Now, I've watched the story about the artist whose life was very nearly destroyed, simply because he mentioned in a bar that he liked to wear women's shoes. The most heart-breaking aspect came during the court scene, when the victim spoke of being partly responsible for the near-fatal beating by five ignorant homophobes who didn't know the difference between a gay man and a transvestite.
Steve Carell's portrayal of that victim was perfect.
I'm so glad I was able to enjoy this movie one more time.
Right place, right time - on a Tuesday, solo.

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