Monday, June 5, 2017

a rose from a banana

I know: it sounds like a magic trick...
but it isn't.
You see, the "b" should be capitalized.

Tonight was the game between the Savannah Bananas and the Thomasville Hi-Toms.
Willie had saved me a seat right next to him!
Good thing, too, as I was almost late to the game.
The bfe was coming to town and staying at my house... but he got here about 6 PM.
I made it to Grayson just in time!
I was even allowed to park up front,
since I'd be taking Willie home. (smile)

The Championship Ring festivities were the first thing
on the agenda.
Hooray for last year's team!
Then the game began...
and the Hi-Toms had
three runs lickety-split!
C'mon, Bananas, get
a hit, hit, HIT!
And they did!
Both of these men hit home!

And the hits just kept a-comin'!
Even Mister Willie was yelling tonight:
"Put the wood on it!"
"Straighten it up!"
The Hi-Toms got five runs, but the Bananas
reached that sum and kept on going!
At the end, the score was 8 to 5,
for the Bananas' second win!

However, the scene that
kept me smiling was
this little girl and her rose.
You see, the head Banana
himself had bestowed that
crimson flower upon her during
the nightly rose giveaway.
Willie had called to him, pointing to me, and I was pointing to her...
as was her mom and dad and three brothers...
and she played with the rose
the rest of the night.

i thank You, God, for that happiness, for her, for her family... and for me, another girl with three brothers.

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