Sunday, June 18, 2017

fiddlers with boomers!

Before you get any funny ideas, I'm not talkin' 'bout bowel movements of crustaceans...
although those ocean creatures are of interest here!
Karen's Born in the 50's and 60's meetup dined this afternoon at the Fiddlers Seafood midtown.
At first, there were twenty-four coming for the slunch...
then folks started bowing out because it was Fathers Day and they feared a long wait...
until there were only a dozen stalwarts still seeking shellfish.

Go ahead and count, I'll wait.
You only see ten, right?
Well, Paula was taking the photo.
Starting with Lisa in the foreground, I'm next (in my green dress), right beside Diane and Shawn, then Kathy (blocking view of Marsha), with our hostess, Karen, at the head of the table.
Beside her is Richard, then Paula's empty chair, followed by Stania leaning in on the table, then Karen H, and Sue... that's a dozen!

You can see Marsha
very easily
in this photo.
Kathy is turned
to the side,
giving her order to Kerri,
our fabulous waitress.
(You should ask for her
when you go!)

As for Paula,
just look up between
Stania and Richard.
Paula is such a
sweet peach of a gal -
she's always the
first to greet me!

I really loved this meetup! The place was fairly empty, as we had beat both the lunch and dinner crowds by coming at 4:30 PM. (You should have seen the line of folks waiting when I left at 7 PM!)
I even treated myself to a cocktail: vodka with cranberry juice, only one dollar!

This was my meal! Two grilled fish tacos, eaten with cocktail sauce (no cheese please!) and ground cabbage - yum!
I also had a quarter-pound (that means six) boiled shrimp, eaten with tartar sauce - yum!
And I even had some tasty vegetables to round out the meal!

This is all that is left
of the Double Seafood Tower
which Lisa, Diane,
and Sue shared.
Crab legs, shrimp,
crawfish, mussels,
that bucket is full
of shells!

After that
bit of camaraderie,
I was off for
more swordfighting!
You see,
I started my day with
"King Arthur:
Legend of the Sword" -
it even has sword
in its title, right?
I know, I know, I already saw this one...
but not in its totality.
We (Kevin and I) were late for that first viewing, so we ended up missing about the first fifteen minutes of it. In other words, we came in when the boy Arthur was growing up in the bordello, getting beatings on the hard streets until he finally grew into a shrewd - and quite well-muscled - man.
I had no idea that we had missed all of the preamble.
The movie was so much better this time!

Then I had met my bonhomies for slunch...

before jetting off for a fourth viewing of "Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol. 2"!
Thanks to my oil change a few weeks ago, I had a free ticket for a movie of my choice -
what better choice than this one?
Bare male chests?
Drax (whose bare torso is rippling throughout the movie!), Groot (yes, his counts!), Peter (when changing into a mostly-fresh shirt after the slug fight), Yondu (post-coitus with robot maiden), and Ego (as he is rebuilding himself, once more).

Life is so good and I am so blessed!
Daddy would have loved this day!
i thank You, God!

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