Monday, January 23, 2017

still scrabbling after all these years!

Somehow, the Paul Simon song sprang to mind.
Where does the "crazy" come into play?
Glad you asked!
I have an affinity for Scrabble for one, ever since the hurricane.
Did I not yet write about rediscovering the solace to be found in that game from my childhood?
Hmmm... I know I told plenty of folks about it...

Let me assure you, there was definitely solace attained during that first Scrabble game by candlelight.
That would have been on the night of October 8, 2016, my second night without power.

The next morning, after my "nearly normal" breakfast, and by the light of a new day, I realized something.
The board has a definite "up"...
and I had played on its side.

On the 11th, I played again...
still by candlelight, alas.
Right Hand versus Left Hand, again, too.
However, as there was some suspicion of cheating, the rules were altered.
No drawing of replacement tiles until that Hand's turn.
After all, I didn't want the Left Hand to know what the Right Hand had!
Or vice versa, of course.

The next morning, the board was proof that the game had been successful!
All of the tiles had been used and the board was correctly oriented.
And such lovely words!
Waken and Dawn and Spire and Exempt and Niece and Flair and Quiver and Tough!
They all seemed to hold special meaning then.
That was the day power was finally restored.

Tonight, I played once more.
Freer was the word the Left Hand led with.
I can totally relate to that.
i thank God those three days of morning classes were canceled.
Who's to say what's good and what's bad?

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