Thursday, April 26, 2018

always Daddy's girl

Dear Daddy,
Was it you who woke me to ELO's "Hold On Tight (To Your Dreams)" on my internal morning radio? If so, very nicely done! I admit to being stymied for a bit, as it was the French part playing, but I managed to figure it out. Hooray!
"Accroches-toi a ton reve
Accroches-toi a ton reve
Quand tu vois ton bateau partir
Quand tu sents ton coeur se briser
Accroches-toi a ton reve
I didn't even know you spoke any of that!
How did I spend the day?
Well, after I realized that this was that day, your final one on this blue-green orb, I decided to treat myself to a movie or two. Then I had to figure out which one you would like... and I chose "Isle of Dogs". Get the pun in the name of it? It's like that old joke.
What do you call a piece of land in the ocean and only inhabited by female sheep?
Isle of Ewe
Hahahaha hahaha!
I think I first saw that on a Valentine's Day card!
Anyhow, it was so very funny and so very sweet, too!
I actually found myself wanting to have a dog again. You know, it's been more than three decades since I had one. That's a long time for a girl who loves dogs. I have you to thank for that. You made sure I had my first dog when I was only six months old. Sure, we didn't have that cocker spaniel long before someone stole it. But no one would steal a 'Heinz 57' like Bobo! He became the first real dog I had. Then there was Shaggatha and Jesse and Sport and Toffee, my dear Toffee, who I had brought with me from Panama.
Hmmmm... maybe I will just become a petsitter for dogs.
Same fun, less heartbreak, n'est-ce pas?
After that movie, I went to "Ready Player One". I don't know that you would have cared for the premise, but the fast pace and racing vehicles would have drawn you in. Mostly, though, I saw that one for Blaxstone - I mean, Sam. This date is important to me for him, too.
My friend Carolyn Maggi saw that one with me. I think you would have really liked her! She's all the time joking around and has tons of stories to tell. Very uplifting spirit!
We closed out our night with dinner at Carey Hilliard's. Yum! Barbeque! No, I didn't have the pulled pork plate, like we always used to get. But I did have some of that meat and a big bowl of Brunswick stew. That really hit the spot!
with much love always,
your one-and-only, ever-lovin' daughter


the Universe said...

4/25/2018 3:44 AM

If everyone really knew how much they were loved, Faustina, not only from "above," but by everyone now in their life, there'd be little hearts drawn on everything from wheelbarrows to skyscrapers to jumbo jets.

And I so look forward to that day.

Big heart,
The Universe

outlaw Bunny said...

April 27 at 6:25am

:-( It doesn't seem like it's been that long. Big hug

boomer Kathy said...

Kathy Butler
April 27 at 9:45am

We never stop missing our Dads.

future sis-in-law Laura said...

Laura Smith
April 27 at 1:42pm

Nothing like being "Daddy's Girl"❤

Aunt Barbara said...

Barbara Narcarti
April 28 at 3:09pm

I sure would love to have a picture like that. It has been so good to have spent some time with you, shame we didn't back when we could have. Oh well, time and tide so they say, we regret and that is all we can do.
love you, Aunt Barbara

hvj Caroline said...

Caroline Switzer Verner
April 27 at 1:17am

I'm sorry. It never goes away, does it? It's just love and missing that person. It will be 20 years for me in August, and it seems like yesterday. Sending much love and a big hug to you. At least we have the wonderful memories...

lunch lady Sarah said...

April 27

Sarah Logan-Reynolds

I completely understand.

wsn 40+ Diane said...

April 27
Diane Johnson

Was just thinking the same thing Kathy❤️. Sending you love Faustina!

Rhonda said...

April 27
Rhonda S. Curby

I miss him too. Sam, he was on my mind the other day. Your dad was a lovely man. I miss his sense of humor.

Aunt Linda said...

April 28
Look ahead to May 4, 2018 and realize it was May 4, 1956 that your parents were married. A young airman and a high school senior were very much in love.

faustina said...

I actually had two posts about this on facebook, one with this photo and one without.
Between the two, more than sixty people have take the time to let me know they care.
Thank you all, so very much.