Monday, April 9, 2018

soaring with the eagles, at last

I've actually been workin' on that for a while, becoming a cheerleader in August for the welcome changes to come for the health professions.
Remember back in the fall when I went to the football scrimmage hosted on the Armstrong campus?
March 5th marked the start of Eagle Week here.
I marked the occasion by returning to Delana
ownership of the Wonder Woman mug.

Delana is our Dean of the new College of Science
and Math - that's COSM, y'all - for all three campuses
of Georgia Southern University.
She was here that day for a meet-and-greet, armed
with tasty and hot Chick-Fil-A chicken biscuits!
I took several and shared with my office-mate,
Karen Owens. Nice treat for both of us!

On March 7th, my computer was 'reimaged'.
Here's the upshot: all the software was updated.
Windows 10 now rules the roost, but I made sure
Mark gave me a back door to my favs.
March 9th was the end of Eagle Week for us,
replete with cookout, cornhole, and raffle prizes!
I didn't win anything, but I did have a delicious veggie burger with Barbara Ross and played several rounds of cornhole with Calvin Culberson under a blue, blue sky.

Today, I finally received my Eagle ID card!
I had time before the Spring General Faculty Meeting here, so I got it done!
President Hebert gave a rousing talk, encouraging us to hang in there a few weeks more.
Even though we're all a bit emotionally wrecked, the students' needs come first, now, still, and always.
Amen to that!
I guess he didn't know I'm part of the choir.

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