Saturday, April 28, 2018

be kind to yourself

That was the message at the Weight Watchers meeting on Wednesday.
I missed the meeting itself, though I did get weighed in before Christina called.
Her baby had an extended bout with the flu, but was doing well.
Not so for her man.
He was in the hospital and the test results were leaning toward organ distress.
I stayed on the phone with her, offering a reassuring voice and shoulder through the airwaves.
By the time all was better o her end, the meeting was long done and folks had dispersed...
but I had this booklet to guide me.
This morning, I finally did that homework.
The theme?
"be kind to yourself".

Definitely the right place, right time for that message.
This week, I've been dealing with the death of Jean Marie last year.
Then, April 26 arrived and I realized that date had a double dose of grief.
That morning and afternoon had been consumed with the funeral of my dear friend, Sam Johnson. Only 42 years old and dead for lack of a kidney...
That evening, I had called Daddy, to let him know I was home from that sadness. He and I had talked, sending our love between Beaufort and Savannah. Then, during the night, his cancer stole him away and he died.
The next morning, Bonnie had called and I'd gone there and had cake...
pineapple upside-down cake, of course.
Perhaps that will show up at the Pooler cook-out tomorrow. Maybe I should make it myself, so I can properly track those points?
We'll see.
Meanwhile, the coffee is perked and it's time for me to do the same.
Today is another day!

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