Wednesday, April 25, 2018

snatched prize!

Timing is everything!
I had not known how long I would be on campus tonight.
My plan had initially been to return the test from Monday night, and then depart to a movie.
Then, one of my students had to take the Final Exam early, as she has surgery tomorrow... so I opened the floor for others to do so.
That meant I might have been there until 8:30 PM, if any of them took the allotted two hours for it.
Instead, she was the only one...
and she was done by 7:10.
Hooray! I could still catch a movie!
No, I could not.
One of the two who had not yet submitted their Lab Final was UA.
As she had until 7:30, I waited, but she never showed.
In my office, I checked my email... and she had sent it ten minutes before I had gone to class. Ack!
That meant going back to the other building to retrieve the print-out. Double-Ack!!
But that delay worked in my favor.
The young woman at Publix had just placed this huge container of sushi into the display. I had snatched it up, quick as a wink, unable to believe my good fortune... and saw the glance between her and the young man who had arrived too late for his prize.
i thank You, God, for my delays at the school.
Maybe I'll have to keep this in mind for next Wednesday.
But now, it's dinner time!

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