Sunday, June 17, 2018

a day with Dood

What a wonderful day I've had!
Even though it began with no coffee and ridiculously early - for me, at least -
I have had a wonderful time in the company of my youngest brother!
What did we do?
Well, we went to the grocery store, so I could have milk for my coffee.
Then, we went to my house, so I could have coffee... and breakfast.
What did he do?
He started working on the removal of the little squirrel-planted trees in my yard.
Then he worked at mowing my front yard and back yard.
I helped with that, having gotten fueled up for such activity at last.
He moved on to trimming the huge branches from my neighbor's tree.
What an enormous task!
I helped lug and carry the yard trash to the front to pile by the curb...
and pile by the curb...
over and over, as I have done in the past.
He had thought he would be doing all of that by himself and was thrilled by my help.
After all, both of us are older now -
those trips between the back yard and the front yard got slower and slower...
until, finally, after more than four hours, we called it a day.
After a bit of lunch, we headed to the short film festival!
He had never been to such a thing and so I had expected to pay his way...
no, he only let me pay part of the cost.
Then, he bought me a soda - very nice!
He stayed right through the whole Q & A session, too.
Then, we left for dinner (his treat at Wendy's!) and discussion of the films -
very nice!
After the food, the efforts of the day - and his 60-hour work week - had him ready to call it a night and go home.
Now, I've returned home to this sight.

What a huge pile pf branches and small trees and thorny vines!
How incredible that we moved that amount of wood and leaves today.
Even more incredible was the view from my driveway into my back yard.

I could clearly see the trellis and all of my shed!
Honestly, I cannot recall a time when I could say that...
and I've lived in this house for almost seventeen years.
I'm looking forward to him and Laura and her son moving in to my mother's old house, just seven houses down.
He'll truly be coming home in just another few months.
Dinners together and future times to be shared...
yes, it's good to have my youngest brother starting his new life right here.

i thank You, God.
Please continue to give him strength these next few years.


outlaw Dee said...

Dee Smith Phillips
June 18 at 5:18am

Love you both

almost sis-in-law Laura said...

Laura Smith
June 17, 2018 10:38 PM

What a great man your brother is!

Shekinah sis Kathy said...

Kathy Hodges
June 17, 2018 10:54 PM

Missed you at Asbury.

HVJ Danny said...

Danny Lewis
18 June 2018 9:31 AM

I rode by the old neighborhood the other day. Still looks good.

me 2 lazy 2 sign in said...

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