Monday, September 30, 2019

not with a bang but a pun

Before this first month of fall leaves - get it? - how about a few fresh Jumble funnies?
Come on in, the water's still fine!

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King Kong's success in theaters was due to his character, in large part.

When Copernicus theorized that the Earth went around the Sun, it was revolutionary.

People at the Labor Day cookout struggled when the mosquitoes had a bite to eat.

They got hungry while waxing their car, so they stopped to polish off lunch.

The invention of the electric fan began with a rough draft.

When they saw the commercial for the new hearing aids, his wife was all ears.

The washed up coffee grower was a has "bean".

Dracula's wife caught him cheating on her and now she was going to bleed him dry.

The new Russian sci-fi sitcom was called "Czar Trek".

A new air conditioner cost more than they'd planned for, but they were cool with that.

No one could swim across the Paris river underwater because that would be "in-Seine".

The squirrel was stressed because he spent so much time out on a limb.

Godzilla attacked the automobile dealership because he wanted to pick up trucks.

The climbers who worked together in an attempt to reach the summit teamed up.

Her dinner arty was suffering from a host of problems.

She was becoming angrier, but, after thinking about it, was mind over "madder".

He scaled Yosemite's El Capitan without a rope, which had onlookers climbing the walls.

Trying to identify and deal with all the different types of flu was a strain on the staff.

When the ram asked his adversary if he wanted to fight, he replied "butt" of course.

America's westward expansion in the 1800's took place in stages.

He didn't win the wine competition, and his remarks afterward were sour grapes.

The couple didn't trust banks and kept their money at home in their cash cache.

His wife found out that her new ring was a cheap imitation, a.d now he'd pay the price.

When people first saw Count Basie perform, they were jazzed up.

The best pitcher in baseball would stay with his current team if they could strike a deal.

They saw the warning about the grizzles which they would need to bear in mind.

The fashion model was very flexible and willing to work any-"wear", any time.

Mary Shelley's success as an author was a result of her having novel ideas.

The tailor specialized in superhero costumes and was very "cape-able".

A diamond spot is a pitcher's mound.

Protectors at home are catcher's masks.

Umpires and serving surfaces are both counters.

When he made a fast stop, he ate.

The crow who considered herself to be in charge of roosting was the branch manager.

The angler knew he'd found the perfect fishing spot the moment he caught "site" of it.

The movie scene being filmed in the machine shop featured bit parts.

Don Larsen's perfect game in the 1956 World Series was a gem, "threw" and "threw".

When she found out the headphones were on sale, it was music to her ears.

When they saw the Paris tower lit up at night, they got an "Eiffel".

When it came to having his positronic brain replaced, the android was close-minded.

Owners not cleaning up after their dogs was a pet peeve.

She loved all of Jagger's music, so she made a "Mick's" tape.

After revolving doors were invented, people quickly learned the ins and outs.

They wanted to learn more about Mount Rainier, so they studied up on it.

When the little girl used lipstick to draw a smiley face on the wall, it was frowned upon.

She wanted to start her own bread company and planned to raise the dough

After the raccoons raided the henhouse, they enjoyed their poached eggs.

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Speaking of eggs, time for me to get some breakfast!

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