Wednesday, September 18, 2019

runner's high

Last night, Kevin sent me this text.
"Thank you for suggesting such a thoughtful (and deeply personal to me) film.
It was a lot like that for me.

Apparently, every once in a while, I get one right.

The film had been "Brittany Runs A Marathon".
He had been very surprised when I had blipped it onto his radar.
He knew of it, of course, but had not realized it was in town.
I had thought he had not mentioned it because he hadn't wanted to see it.
Nope... he simply didn't think we would get it in Savannah.
Perhaps the main reason one of the local cinemas risked screening it was thanks to the presence of the Rock'n'Roll Marathon in this seaport.
I think that must be the case.
Why else would such a niche film land in this small town?
I'm glad that it did, and glad I saw it was playing, and glad I mentioned it to him.
I almost didn't, but I felt strongly about letting him know I was willing to see it for our "Tina Tuesday" line-up.
Of course I was willing.
I had been on the route, cheering him on when he ran his first marathon.
I had even accompanied him to pick up the race packet two days earlier.
Plus, I'd picked him up and driven him to the post-race celebration with the Striders.
(Nice that the dinner has become a regular thing for us!)
That was in 2016.
Hard to believe it was three years ago!
Then, in 2017, I'd come along for morale when he gave a talk about his experience.
That was when I'd seen his race t-shirts that his mom had crafted into a quilt.
Very nice!
And it's not like he's stopped running... he still does.
And I still support his efforts.
I even wear the T-shirt he designed for his new triathlon events!

So, I'm very grateful to have had another chance to show love to him and for him,
on a "Tina Tuesday", with this film that he would have missed.

i thank You, God.

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