Tuesday, September 24, 2019

jumper cables

(My first niece had posted this on fb, so I'm repeating it here so I'll be able to find it when I want it. FYI: Neither she nor I created this series of panels with the bunnies.)

The littler bunny tells the other: "I feel sad."

The bigger bunny raises its arms up and replies: "I have emotional jumper cables, I'll boost you."

The bigger bunny comes closer to the other, touching its right paw to the smaller bunny's left one, saying "Just attach like so..."


Then, placing both of its paws around the smaller bunny's shoulders and drawing closer, the bigger bunny explained.

"This is a hug."

After a few moments, the bigger bunny asked: 'Is it working?"

The smaller bunny, smiling and with eyes closed, replies softly "... yes."

Hearts surround the pair as the hug continues.
















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