Sunday, September 29, 2019

pinkity Pinkity PINK pink

Hey, about a little riff on Snoopy's line?
It was a bright and sunny morning...
get it? Please say you did!
Saturday 'twas brillig, and Tony had surprised me with lawnmower sounds.
I had surprised him right back, giving him this part-mesh, cool, Sand Gnats cap!
Red is a form of pink in the extreme, right?

"Oh! You're back already! But what about red? Yeah, you can make pink with red and white, but it's pushing it to say red is a form of pink. Just sayin'. "

Yeah, yeah, I hear you talkin'.
It's good that I got up early, as I have plenty to do around here before bouncing out to Guyton, going a walloping 45 mph almost the whole way.
This fifth gear issue is about to really rattle my cage.
Because of that, I had not been able to help Christina return her Dorian rental at the airport.
I think she's been mad at me about that.

"Oh, no! I'm so sorry to hear that you weren't able to do that favor for her. I know how much it meant to you when she picked you up in St. Augustine.
So, what was happening in Guyton? I see that Michael and Venita were there, too? "

Yes, that's them, all right!
It was so good to be able to talk with Venita for a bit before all the madness began!
We were at Melinda and Matt's to celebrate baby Chloe's first birthday.
It was going to be at a park, but the heat called for a change in plans.
Christina phoned me to make sure I knew of the alteration in venue.
Nice to get a call instead of a text!
The upper photo is of the opening of the gift from me.
Chloe did a great job of pulling out the tissue paper!
She also seemed quite taken with the little book I gave her, "Good Night Georgia".
In this second photo, she'd been holding the book for several minutes!
I look forward to reading it to her.
Here she is again, this time in her high chair during pizza time.
This is, without doubt, my favorite photo from the party.
All of the girls, gathered together in one place, without any urging from family - amazing!
Alyssa and Leila and pink-clad Miyah, with her back to the camera.
(The tall girl is Gabby and I don't know her.)

"Whoa! A child you didn't know? "

Actually, she probably belonged to one of Matt's sisters, as did the little boy I didn't know.
None of Matt's family, except his mom, spoke to me, which was odd.
Plus, his sister Lisa, the mother of the drug-addicted egg donor for both Miyah and Chloe, was there, and hanging all over the girls. That was rather unsettling.
Christian was there, too, along with his son.
Really, it was a very odd scene.
I cut out of there before the cake and ice cream.



"Okay, change of topic, please...? "

I returned to Savannah in plenty of time for "The Princess And The Frog" on the silver screen at the Wynnsong. Um, I mean the AMC Classic 11. What a mouthful!
Anyway, it's time for the Dream Big, Princess series again and I have so enjoyed them!
That started three weeks ago with "The Little Mermaid".
Then I had the animated "Beauty And The Beast", followed by "Tangled" last Saturday.
That one about the long-haired lass brings a smile just to think about it!

"Most excellent! I do so love that one, too! And it was good to see the New Orleans-based one on the big screen, wasn't it? You've only seen it once before, and that was on your little television. "

Hey, don't be dissing my tv! LOL! I tell you, it was definitely a different experience to see it up large. That movie has quite a few scary elements to it, with the evil ghosts and the voodoo and the swamp 'folk'. But I did appreciate the Louisiana flavor sprinkled liberally throughout! Oh, and the pink taffeta confection the heiress wore!

"Ah! There's that necessary touch of that shade! Nice!
So, what else did you do?"

Well, nothing else of note on Saturday.
I'm still cleaning out closets and the pantry, you know.
But this afternoon, I feasted on all things pink!!!
"Pinkalicious: The Musical" was over at the Savannah Children's Theatre and I was sure to be there!
And, no, I have not read the books or watched the tv show, like that matters.
It was a musical - you know how I love those!
Boolie's daughter, Molly, had the title role and she was pinkerrific, but her "little brother" kept upstaging her - as little brothers will do!
After the show, I was hanging about in the lobby and happened to catch sight of me in a mirror...
Lo and behold, I was dressed in pink!!!
Pink girlfriend-shorts!
Top bedecked with pink flowers!
Isn't serendipity just grand?
I hadn't planned my outfit to coordinate with the show, and yet it had!

"Right place, right time? "

You better believe it! Plus, I have a name for this outfit now: Pinkerbelle!

"Oh, that is too cute. never say it again. "

Pinkerbelle, Pinkerbelle, Pinkerbelle!

"Hahahaha! Well, I can't say I didn't ask for that. "

Nope, you cannot! You walked right up and walked right into it!

"So I did! Glad you are in a better frame of mind than you were yesterday. "

Yeah, me, too. It had really hurt me to be the only one in the dark at that party.
I need to make sure that doesn't happen again.
Christina not talking to me about such a big decision is very strange.
She had spoken to me quite a bit when she had left him; why not about her return to his house?
Family should always be supportive of each other.
I trust her to make the right decisions for her and the children.
I will always support her decisions, whether I agree with them or not.
I learned that from Mama

"Yes, dear, I know. It would be nice to have her to talk to about all this. How about another topic change?"

Excellent idea, that one!
Well, how about the movie I saw this evening?
"Abominable" was truly one of the most beautiful animated films ever!
Set in China, it followed three kids as they tried to help a young Yeti return to Mount Everest, its home.
Such an adventure they had!
One of the loveliest moments was in a tree much like this one, looking up at the night sky full of stars - wow!

"Hey! I know that tree! That's the one you painted with the physicist! "

That's right! It's the only picture I've ever painted, too. I've written on the back that the bfe is to get it after I'm gone, and he has done the same for his.

"How very lovely, and very loving, too. After all, no one else will appreciate them like you two will. "

Absolutely. You know one of the things I liked most about this movie? The little boy playing games with the baby "monster'. Games like rock-paper-scissors, for instance, when they were hitching a ride on the train. I also liked the magical music! That reminded me of "Kubo And the Two Strings", another movie I very much enjoyed.

"I like that the Yeti's fur glowed when it hummed its songs! "

I liked that, too!
The only odd note - get the joke? - was having the Coldplay tune when they were at the Leshan Giant Buddha. I didn't understand why an English song was placed there.
Now, I do.

"Still, wouldn't it be nice to hear the Mandarin version of "Fix You"? "

I know I wouldn't have any problem with that. I like hearing favorite songs in other languages! Not everyone does, though.

"Well, maybe the cinema may have a screening with the Chinese version one of these days... "

Hey! I'd buy a ticket for that!
Meanwhile, I found the link for it and it's quite lovely!

"Oh, it truly is!!! Thank you! "

Anything for you, my dear.

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