Sunday, September 1, 2019

not quite a day of rest

It certainly was not a day of rest for my
biggest little brother.
As I was preparing for church, he was cruising
around through the crazy grass ocean that
I call my yards.
He even left an untamed swirl around my tulip
tree, just the way I like it.
Thanks, Smitty, I appreciate all you do for me!

It certainly was not a day of rest for my
favorite minister.
Reverend Billy Hester is back from summer
vacation and not a moment too soon, as yet
another hurricane is lobbed hither.
I'm especially grateful for his message today,
even though it carried a sad note: another
favorite professor had died in April.
I had learned two weeks ago, from the Flannery
O'Connor group's post, about the scheduled Memorial Tribute in December for Bob Strozier.
He was the man who introduced me to William
Faulkner's works, whose classes gave me a
reason to have a non-science book in my hands
at all times, and who encouraged me to write.

Billy's sermon was about John Suchower, the only
professor I had every quarter while an undergrad.
His encouragement of my work in theatre - as set builder, lighting and sound operator, prop mistress, wardrobe mistress, and even one night upon stage - helped me transition smoothly from the military world back to civilian life.
I know that Sooch is quietly laughing, somewhere, because he managed to die on April Fools Day.
What a blessing to have known him!

Today was still not a day of rest at Asbury Memorial
UMC, as sixty-four members of its congregation
gathered for one last "Listening Session".
This was the final opportunity for questions prior
to the vote next Sunday on whether to dissolve ties
between our franchise and the world organization.
Asbury Memorial would have to buy its way out, of
course, but then would be free to truly welcome all
to "God's church", as we have come to know it.
We are being granted this unique opportunity for
"A Gracious Exit", a special series of newly created
steps to dissociate from the UMC and the moral quagmire that can no longer be ignored.
I officially became a member of the congregation today, after calling this place my church home since 2004.
My vote will be among those counted on September 8.
i thank You, God.
There was no rest for me when I returned home.
I had expected "BIG Coffee Hour" - i.e., lunch -
as this is the first Sunday, but the lunch will
be next week, in conjunction with the special
Church Conference for the vote we must make.
Using the five remaining shrimp I had, plus the
leftover rotisserie chicken, I made a quite lovely
"fancy" salad - bon appetit pour moi!

Now, I must go to work on my yards, front and back, before I rest.
Because the grass and weeds were so high, I now have lines of hay - I kid you not -
deposited all over the place.
Out I will venture, rake in one gloved hand, lawn bag in the other!
Wish me luck...
this is going to take a while.

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