Thursday, September 19, 2019

words that are fun to say on Thursday


See that lovely yellow rosebud?
That was given to me by a bicyclist, who stopped in his journey down Drayton Street to proffer the flower, then rode on.
I have no idea who he was or why he had the flower or what possessed him to grant it to me -
but I am quite grateful for that act of kindness.

Shall I use the word in a sentence?
"The Magnuson-Stevens Act, proposed by senators from Washington and Alaska, respectively, is the primary law governing marine fisheries management in U.S. federal waters."
The Naturalist 101 talk about such matters was tonight, at 100 Miles, just down from where I was gifted the rose.


That's pronounced floo-ick', which sounds amazingly like flick.
That's a surname, too, this time for the Associate Marine Extension Director who gave the talk.
As I said in my survey, Bryan's lecture reminded me of the work I'd done as a high-school researcher in the STERI program.
Very rewarding to see the progress made since the mid-1970's!


Click the link for the pronunciation of this delectable summer soup!
With its watermelon base, this variation was beautifully pink, but not sweet - perfect!
The minced peppers and onions gave it plenty of bite to suit my palate!

What an absolutely divine Middle Eastern salad!
This concoction of tomatoes, mint, olive oil, toasted pita, and dried cranberries is now a new favorite for my summertime meals!
My taste buds salute the chef at The Atlantic restaurant!
This combination of soup and salad was an epicurean dream!

Maybe pork belly doesn't sound particularly appetizing... but think "seared block of bacon" and the mouth waters up, doesn't it?
Now I understand why it's such a hot commodity, literally and figuratively.
Maybe the next time I'm offered a bite to try, I'll partake... but I loved my fruit and veggies meal!

Yes, indeed, this is my very favorite physicist of all time, my one-and-only, wave-top, bfe!
The above meal was his and he truly loved it - he ate every bite!
As for the lecture, he attended that just to spend time with me, as it was not his cup of tea.
Next time, it'll be an event more to his liking, I promise.


F-grrrl said...

And so it was!
Last night, the bfe accompanied me to "Judy", the story of the star in the land of Oz that fell to Earth for the last time when only 47 years old.
That means she was just a year older than him when she died.
He likes biographies and he enjoys a good tragic tales, so this was definitely to his liking. When he had seen a promo for it, he'd known he wanted to see it. Fortunately, I'd realized that he would and had "saved" it to see with him, and only with him.
I'm so glad I did!

faustina said...

I just found out that The Atlantic is gone.
I was hoping to one day have fattoush again.
Maybe I'll just have to learn to make it myself...
yeah, I can do that!