Monday, December 11, 2017

christmas tree, o christmas tree

How do you like my Christmas tree this year? Very nice, isn't it?
I certainly think so.
As much as I like the tree I have had since 1989, I just didn't want to pull it out of the shed.
Between all of the rain for most of last week, and the subsequent cold temperatures that followed, I simply did not relish the notion of bopping in and out of the weather multiple times to fetch the three boxes into the house and then to lug them back out again.

How very lovely that one of the crafts at the Savannah Children's Theatre on Saturday afternoon was making these little trees! Plus, I got to see "A Charlie Brown Christmas" for the third year in a row! Plus, I sang Christmas carols with the kids at the end and bounced in my seat "dancing" with them during the show!
Plus, I was joined there by Marguerite Dismukes and her daughter! My thanks to fb for helping us to coordinate that. She worked with my ex on radio, back in the day, and I've only 'seen' her on the social media. She saw my post about going to the play and responded. Nice to be seen in person, decorating cookies together and catching up!
Later that evening, I ventured off to Berwick Estates to enjoy a housewarming party with another fb friend! The bfe is renting a room out there now, from Erica and her daughter. He's helping with the mortgage on the huge five-bedroom home.
Guess what was on her tree?
Ornaments made by her pre-teen daughter? Well, of course!
But she also had a 'Bominable on it, too!
And, speaking of that sweet creature, Smitty brought me one yesterday for my front door!
Blessed am I!!!

Last night, I had the church Christmas party! I wore the cool new Christmas sweatshirt that my cousin Penny gave me and everyone loved it! How could they not? It features the Chemistree!!!

The party was fun, with 'Asbury Family Feud' being played between the 'Hospitality Family' and the 'Choir Family'. The questions were all Christmas themed.
"Fill in the blank: snow _____."
"What are the top five shapes for Christmas cookies?"
"What are the top five names for Santa's reindeers?"

Definitely lots of fun, not only for me, but also my table mates. I'm not sure, but I may have been set up... but that's fine with me! Martha is with the choir and was first to join me. Steve is a single guy, former news radio, now information technology. Mark is a father of three talented college graduates, one daughter and two sons.
Mark is also single and I've caught his eye several times of late.
The first was at a BIG Coffee Hour, some months ago, when he came up and introduced himself. I was trying to catch up with Bill, though, and missed out on knowing more.
Then we locked eyes again at the church dance a couple of months ago. He didn't ever approach me, though, and I figured I wasn't his type.
Then came All Saints Sunday. We again locked eyes... but I was on a mission toward the front, so I didn't join him on the pews toward the back.
Tonight, I had barely taken a seat at the long middle table when he bounded over and sat opposite me. This time, when he introduced himself, I responded warmly... and we talked and talked. Not just casual chit-chat, but real talk, about our past and family and careers.
I very much like his eyes.
I very much like looking into his eyes when we are talking.
I'll look for him next Sunday.
I hope we can sit together and learn more about each other.
He seems to be interested in me... and I like his eyes.
Meanwhile, I'll concentrate on staying sane and gathering holiday spirit...
get all of my plush reindeer friends onto the mantle...
that sounds like a winner!


Juliet said...

Juliet Marie Fabbri
December 11 at 8:14am

it looks like a chemistry model...perfect!

Julie said...

Julie Shead
December 11 at 1:11am

Mine is a norfolk 8sland pine... we are planning on getting two christmas trees in the pot, too.... fraziers or something...

Donna said...

Donna Howard
December 10 at 10:06pm

Precious 💜

Auunt Barbara said...

Barbara Narcarti
December 10 at 9:21pm

Now that is a sure enough Christmas Tree. Love you,hope you have a great Christmas. If you want dinner that day we eat here at 12 Christmas Day. Aunt Barbara

Zach = said...

Zach Cobb
December 10 at 8:08pm

You really went over the top this year!

ex-DJ Marguerite said...

Marguerite Dismukes Fischer
December 10 at 4:50pm

Loved it! 💖🎄